
October 27, 2012

Repurposed Wool Series Part 4: Is It 100% Wool ?

If you missed the first 3 parts of this Series, you can read them here...

We will now take a look at
How to tell if it is 100% Wool.
I use this 1 simple method to tell if my fabric is 100% Wool...

I will often need to know if my Repurposed Wool Fabric is ALL Wool. 
I always want to use 100% Wool Fabric for my Rug Hooking
 so that it wears evenly and has longevity.
There are also other applications where
I want to be sure I am working with 100% wool.
So what is my 1 simple method ??

Place a small swatch in 100% Bleach.  Bleach "eats" Wool.
Allow to sit in bleach overnight.  By morning the swatch will be gone if it is 100% Wool.  There might possibly be a clear "skeleton" remaining.  If there are fibers in the dish - they are not wool.  So simple !

There is one other method, although I don't use this one.
Wool will NOT burn, but rather smolders.  Place a lit match to the edge of the wool fabric, it will become sooty and blackened if it is 100% Wool.  If it is any part synthetic, it will form tiny hardened balls.

For remaining Series on Repurposed Wool...