
Wool Paisley Applique And Beads...

Okay...I'm seeing Paisley in my sleep...
not a bad thing, but how many designs can someone come up with ?? 
Well, obviously a good many !!

25 Designs completed with 5 more to go.

The Beaded Blanket Stitch and my now nearly empty bead container ;)

And just how many beads does one of those little containers hold ??
I was about to find out...  as I was taking photos of this block, 
I accidentally knocked over my container of glass beads.

For a brief moment, all you could hear was the pitter of 
hundreds, maybe a thousand, 
 tiny glass seed beads hitting the hardwood floor.

Actually, it sounded nice, almost soothing.  
Until it became silent and clean-up began !
And you know, days from now I will still be finding beads. ;)

To learn more about 
30 unique and different
Wool Applique Paisley designs
go to...
Perfectly Paisley Wool Applique Book.


  1. It is lovely with the beading. But oh how it must have been horrible on your hands and knees picking up those suckers.


  2. How pretty is that? love the paisley (and I love that word, too..."paisley") seems to roll off your tongue :) can't wait to see your finish.
    and yepper, you'll be finding those beads in your floorboards for centuries!
    ~Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  3. That is my dread every time I use beads.....our floors are very old, and there is a fat crack between each one! I'd lose most of the beads if they ever fell! The paisley is gorgeous.....I can't wait to see all your blocks together!

  4. OH I have so been there :-) You wool is lovely and i love the addition of beads. Use a plastic CD case and line it with double sided sticky paper. I lose very few beads since I started doing this.

  5. I've been there with the fallen beads... on carpet. Yep, you'll find them for months. I like the tip above. Gotta try that.

    Your paisleys are so beautiful. I had to de-lurk to let you know. (I hate the word lurk...sounds so sordid. But you know what I mean. It's more like admiring from afar. LOL!

  6. beautiful work as usual and I really love the addition of the beads. Shame they got knocked over. I would have been so annoyed with myself for that.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  7. Hi Rose-
    Stopping in to see what you've been up too, and say Hello.
    The bead work in the stitching is lovely.
    I can only imagine how all those little beads must been to pick up.
    You're right, you'll be finding them for years to come!
    Take Care- Becka @ Girasole Farm

  8. Hi Rose,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your work is beautiful! I am enjoying my tour thru your shop looking at all the wools! Might need a few of those luscious colors! Oh . . and yep, I too have spilled beads and even a big container of steel shot. :-)

    Lori Ann
