
An Egg Carton Of Reds...

I am loving the color RED in the heart of winter !
It is a vibrant, rich and warm 
burst of color on these cold days.

Valdani has gorgeous reds to work with...
Aged Wine
Cherry Basket
Proud Turkey
Burgundy...just to name a few.

Perfect variegated shades for my next project.

After I have my design drawn on Weavers Cloth,
I begin arranging balls of Valdani Perle Cotton #8
in an egg carton.  As I am punching... 
some colors make the cut 
and others don't...
but I like to have a variety of shades at my fingertips.
(fussy, aren't I ??)

When working with reds, I usually will also
pull some 'orangey' type shades to "highlight"
the red tones.

Valdani Perle Cotton #8 in Golden Autumn

Shades like Valdani's variegated 
Golden Autumn, which includes
 golden reds, burgundy and burnt orange
all rolled into one glorious color arrangement.

Back of project using Valdani Golden Autumn Perle Cotton #8

Wishing you a cozy day 
with some time to create...


  1. Beautiful shades of red! The back of your piece looks so neat!

  2. Gorgeous. I love anything red anyway but the variegated colors are just perfect

  3. I do like the shades of red this time of year, well any time of year, I am always drawn to red. I love how you have mixed the orange in to give more depth.
    I bet when you look at your egg cartons with those scrumptious colors, I bet it just makes you happy. It makes me happy just looking at them too. I have a list I keep making of all of the things I am going to sew when I can see again. Finishing my punch needle projects in on that list too.
    Thanks for the lovely photographs, I can't wait to see your finished design. You do such beautiful work.

  4. Wow.....are you sure this isn't done by a machine?? Bee-U-tiful!!! Just can't go Wong with red!! I love trying to guess what the final piece will be by looking at the sneak peeks. Fun!! But I must say I was WAY off on guessing the pine cone piece. Thank you for showing the back of your work. Tells me I have more practice to do!! Happy Day to you!

  5. Thanks for showing the autumn "used"...nice to see how it comes out!!! Love your egg carton of reds! I start my wool BOM and am anxious to pack away my applique for the year and focus on wool and perle cotton!!! :) :)

  6. Gorgeous selection of reds....they look lovely together.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  7. Such wonderful shades of reds....can't wait to see what you are working on :)

  8. Hi Rose... that is the best looking egg carton I've seen in a while...looking forward to seeing finish.
