
Crispy, Crunchy Cold...

Bitter ~ Crispy ~ Crunchy Cold 
in Pennsylvania this week.

A great time to stay inside and stitch ;)

Congratulations to Carlen Lanser
who won her choice of Pattern from
Three Sheep Studio's January 
Newsletter "Pattern Giveaway".

Carlen chose the 
"Winter Pine" Punchneedle Design.
Happy punching, Carlen !

"Accept - then act.
Whatever the present moment contains,
accept it as if you had chosen it.
Always work with it,
not against it... This will
miraculously transform your whole life." 
- Eckhart Tolle

I recently read this quote on The Herb Shed.
A great blog filled with inspiration, healthy eating
and refreshing insight ;)

Wishing you a warm and cozy Friday...


  1. Cold cold in STL. All of my family in Texas sent me pictures of their frozen bird baths!! Lol. Now you northern folk don't understand how exciting a frozen birdbath is but remember...some winters in south texas we never get below freezing the entire winter!! My sister said the tv people were reminding drivers not to use the spray on their wipers because it freezes on contact & you can't see a thing! Managed some good punching progress last night. Off to work for a little while today.

    54 days until spring!!


  2. Cold here in Kentucky as well . Thinking of Spring ,I believe it is only 55 days away .Let's hope that Mother Nature agrees with the calendar.LOL! Congrats to your winner ,such a pretty pattern.Sure loved seeing your beautiful pics,we have the cold but hardly no snow. Stay warm and have a blessed weekend! Hugs,Jen

  3. A lovely quote and oh so cold. It is nice to get to be inside. It is very pretty though.
