
"Watching The Olympics" Punchneedle Project And Dessert...

Valdani Perle Cotton colors lined up 
for my "watching the Olympics" project.

I am not a television watcher,
but I have really been enjoying 
watching the Olympics and stitching (punching).
I especially enjoy the stories behind each
of the athletes. Incredible stories of 
courage and determination.

To these colors I will add a few more...

gather them in an egg carton.

Yesterday, as I was choosing colors -
I had both arms full of assorted egg cartons -
on my way to the table and dropped them all !

No worries, the egg cartons kept them 
in place...whew !
I love when something works like it should.

This is one of my favorite greens in the Valdani line...
O560 Morning Grass

Shades of Grass Green,
with beautiful variegation.


We have a substantial Storm forecasted 
for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,
and down the East Coast.
Today is the quiet before the storm.
Time to gather and prepare.


Lancaster County is home to some very 
good Pennsylvania Dutch cooking.
Shoo Fly Cake being at the top !

Shoo Fly Cake is a 'spin off' of Shoo Fly Pie.
The cake is moist and 
"can't stop at one piece" delicious...
and as a bonus, your house will smell wonderful !

Shoo Fly Cake

4 Cups Flour
1 Cup Shortening
2 Cups Brown Sugar
2 Cups Boiling Water
1 Cup Molasses (full flavor)
2 tsp. Baking Soda

(By Hand)
Mix first 3 ingredients until in crumbles.  
Reserve 1 and 1/2 Cup for topping.

Add molasses to boiling water.
Mix until blended.

Add baking soda to liquid 
and add in dry ingredients.
Mix, by hand, until well blended.

Pour into a greased 9in. x 13in. pan.
Top with reserved crumbs.
Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 35 min.
Do not overbake.


For those in the storms path,
stay safe and warm...


  1. Hi Rose, Since I am also from the Pa. Dutch area I make the shoo-fly cake and pie as well and you are right, it is delicious. I love that green that you are using. Can't wait to see what you're doing with it. Thanks for keeping us inspired.

  2. Mmmmm... I love how Spring-green that Valdani thread is! I can see shamrocks, and leaves that hold lily of the valley or daffydills! :-) Oh Spring... get here quick! lol! This snow is wearing me down... here's to praying this is the LAST storm of the season... I'm missing the molasses for this recipe, or I'd be in the kitchen baking it up now... sounds delicious!

  3. Looks like something wonderful in the works with that beautiful green thread.

    The shoo-fly cake sounds delish. I'll have to give it a try. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    Hope the storm isn't too terrible for you...stay warm!

  4. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I really like what I see so far with the new project. That is a great green

  5. Oh yummy cake to go with your very yummy colors.
    They just looks like spring. I am going to have to try that cake.
    Have fun watching the Olympics!

  6. was worrying about you thinking the storm was headed your way. Also worrying snout all of the designers & shop owners headed to Nashville. The designers have been making epic preparations & the shop owners ready to shop!!! Hope you don't lose power. I will try the recipe!!

  7. I'm with Kathy - Ooooooooo.....I would just leave a spoon in the pan & snag a bite each time I passed the pan - of course the pan would have to be place in an extremely convenient location. We wouldn't want it to go stale or anything:)
    I have made shoo-fly pie, but hadn't heard of the cake. (I haven't made apple pan-dowdy either.)
    Thank you.

  8. What a wonderful variegated green! I really need to try the Perle Cotton one of these days.
    I'm not a TV watcher, either, but if I had a TV (I know, very weird) I'd be watching the Olympics.
    Stay warm.
    Hugs :)

  9. Punch needle and cake two of my favorites! Beautiful green colors and the cake looks so yummy!

  10. I jotted down the Morning Green color....nice green. I've never done needle punch...yet every visit I get tempted to try i. I love your work Rose. PS My egg carton is filled with the perle cottons I'm using for my wool projects...I just love that idea!! Like ya said, if ya happen to drop them...everything's okay. I can't tell ya how much I"m enjoying my first adventure into a wool project! Wool is fun and easy to work with.

  11. I'm going to have to try Shoo Fly Cake because I love Shoo Fly Pie. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  12. Hi Rose,
    I love the green on your needle punch - oh and your punches are so NEAT!!!
    I have not thought of using egg cartons for my thread - great idea...but now for me the dilemma is to get the cartons away from my husband - he keeps his golf balls in them (which is another great use).

    We were out in your town last week and Monday was a huge snow fall - pretty but a lot of it.
    Stay warm.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  13. Anonymous2/14/2014

    Visiting via TraceJ's blog. Happy Valentine's Day. I live in GA and we have been snowed in for several days. Hope you are safe and warm from this latest round of bitter weather.
    Great idea with the egg cartons. Love seeing your hooking projects.
