
Punchneedle Pattern Giveaway...

Have you ever wanted to learn
"how to" punchneedle ??

Then this giveaway is for you !

Three Beginner Punchneedle Patterns will be given away,
one each, to THREE different winners.

To learn more about this Sheep Pattern,

All you have to do to enter,
is leave a comment on THIS post,
sharing your favorite thing about Spring !

Three winners will be chosen
on Thursday, April 10th, 2014.

Happy Spring !

** This Giveaway is now closed, 
winners have been notified.**


  1. Spring is my favorite time to get outside and golf. Can not wait!!

  2. I would live to try this sheep pattern! Your work is very inspirational.

    Anne Marie

  3. I'm experienced with punch needle, but would still love to win the pattern! I haven't tried adding the beads yet, so that would be fun also.

    priviesandprims [at] yahoo[dot]com

  4. Spring to me is all the beautiful daffodils blooming in my yard and all the baby lambs out in the fields near my house.

  5. Planting spinach and lettuce and see them sneak up out of the ground.

  6. I would love to learn this technique. Spring in southern Arizona means blooming wildflowers, gorgeous!

  7. My favorite thing about Spring is that I don't have to shovel any more snow!!! Which frees up my time to tackle more of your beautiful kits!

  8. Love your work! Spring in Florida is the best - not too hot & not too cool; just right! Especially right for sitting on the deck & watching the boats go by with my pup at my side and a punch needle in my hand.

  9. I've always been fascinated by punch needle work and would love to learn. thanks so much for the chance to win..hugs, Julierose

  10. I appreciate ur having such GENEROUS giveaways! the best thing about spring is more hours of daylight...& after this winter's WHITE SNOW (which eventually turns black, gray, muddy brown, etc), it's WONDERFUL to see GREEN grass & COLORFUL flowers & tree blossoms! NEW LIFE for all of us!

  11. As Spring is arriving I see the leaves on the trees near my house start to turn their various shades of green as they come into their full bloom. It looks like someone is coloring a little each day1

  12. Warmer days, not so soggy ground, no more snow to drive in. Everything is coming up fresh and new. Love your blog and the punch needle looks great! I really like what you do with the beads!

  13. Love your work! Fondly, Tami

  14. Love your work! Fondly, Tami

  15. You are very talented. I love the peonies!

  16. You are very talented. I love the peonies!

  17. My favorite thing about spring is the glow of the Spring sun warming my face and my garden!
    Happy Spring!

  18. I would love to win this punch needle kit since I'm a fiberholic. I love all things with fiber, knitting, penny rugs, rug hooking, weaving & now to add this to my collection. I love the new birth that comes with spring - buds, blossoms, birds, animals, Easter & warmer weather.

  19. I love the perfumed air as the trees and flowers bloom!

  20. I would love to win a pattern. My favorite thing about Spring is the promise of warmer weather!

  21. So beautiful Rose. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Imaging sitting on my new front porch punching away!

  22. I would love to learn how to punchneedle. Thanks so much for sharing and helping me to get started.

  23. I love this!! My grandaughters take sheep to our local fair.

  24. Spring is, to me, renewal. After a long, dark winter what could be sweeter than the first crocus or songbird? Spring is also the time when I fell in love with my husband. We'd both been through a dark place in our lives - the death of our spouses - to find love again after years of solitude; well, there aren't words. Renewal!

  25. I'd love to learn to punchneedle... ~Anita of Phoenix, AZ

  26. I would love a chance to win one of your cute patterns....I've never learned to do punch needle.

    My favorite thing about Spring is the wonderful fresh scent in the air when taking a deep breath is sheer pleasure!


  27. It has always been a dream to learn how to do this wonderful art! I love sheep because The Lord is My Shepherd and there is nothing more beautiful than prim sheep! I love your blog. Each time I receive an email notification regarding a post, I can't wait to open it and engross myself in your goings on. Thank you so much for sharing!

  28. I love to see the blooms coming up through the ground. Love your work Rose.

  29. My 3 favorite things about Spring are sunshine (and lots of it), being able to open windows and let fresh warm air into the house, and blooms, blooms and more blooms! :-)

  30. Now that I'm into wool applique, I notice that many patterns for those designs are also done in punchneedle so an introduction to the craft would be fun to try!

    My favorite thing about Spring is the cool/warm mix of the weather, just enough of a chill in the air to keep the days crisp but warm enough to take off the heavy coats and pare down to a light sweater and a jacket. Thank you for this opportunity!!

  31. We have a 'crazy tulip' on the side of our house, and it's the first little glimpse of green every year. We never planted it, and none of our other tulips have ever survived, but this little crazy guy keeps coming up every year......and we're always a little giddy to see it!

  32. I love Spring, it's like everything is being born new again. Love watching the flowers come up through the ground and all the colors of green. Can you tell Spring is my favorite season?

  33. This Spring is Long in coming. We still have 3 feet of snow out the window where I sit. So learning punch needle would be a great break and an encouragement towards a spring of flowers and sunshine. I think another month before we see the bare ground where the bulbs will pop. But love Maine and will stay in Maine!!!!!

  34. My favorite part about spring is watching the birds, and their little ones, return to my feeders. I love the look of punch needle and just purchased a needle set and can't wait to give it a try. This would be a great pattern to start with.

  35. would love to win this!
    my favorite thing is the new colors, spring green grass, yellow forsythia, pink cherry blossoms, blue skies, white fluffy clouds, pink red quince blooms, yellow daffodils, purple crocus, and on and on! I love seeing the wonderful colors of spring!

  36. Getting out in the garden is one of my favorite things about Spring. Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. I love the pattern! I live in north Georgia ,my favorite thing about spring is the red bud trees blooming on the mountains. They are the first spot of color on the mountain!

  38. hello my favorite things about spring are the gentle rains and being able to open our windows to the breezes that come Please enter me in your giveaway thank you for offering it

    linda m

  39. I would love to start doing this - I'm always inspired by your beautiful posts!

  40. my favoite thing about spring is being able to get outside and play in the dirt

  41. I have cross-stitched lots sheeps and lambs and I bought a few years ago a punchneedle kit but too complicated for a beginner as me. So, it is still in my "to do" box.
    Hope you understand my English ? I am French and punchneedle is quite unknown here.
    My favorite thing about Spring is to walk Under trees in bloom.

  42. Oooh what a great giveaway! I've been intrigued by the punchneedle process for quite a while now, but have yet to try it. By far, the smell of daffodils is my absolute favorite thing about springtime :)

  43. My favorite thing about spring is the flowers! Thanks for the chance to win!

  44. What a terrifically fun pattern!

  45. Watching the flowers pop up out of the ground. Looking to see what survived over this harsh winter. Thanks for this opportunity to learn more about punch needle

  46. I love daffodils and baby lambs!!!
    Love all your work and it has made me want to try my hand at punchneedle.

  47. My favorite things about spring.. Bunny rabbits, flowers blooming, warmer temperatures, and sunshine... Hopefully coming soon!!! - Yoru work is inspiring... reminds me of spriing:)
    Love the sheep pattern...

  48. What a lovely idea for a giveaway. I love spring. I was thinking just yesterday what I love most about spring is the faint smell of flower petals on the wind and the warming up of the ground.
    Please enter me in. I need to get back to punch needle. Only I need you to come to my house. :)
    Have a lovely day.

  49. I can't wait to see my flowers blooming in my perennial garden in spring. Every time my grandson comes to visit, he also likes to see what is different in my garden. Punch needle has been on my list of things I'd like to learn and I can't think of a better project to work on than a sheep.

  50. My favorite part of spring is the desert in bloom incredible!
    I love your blog I have always enjoyed looking at your beautiful punch needle designs and would truly enjoy learning how to do this myself.

  51. I love how fresh and invigorating Spring feels and how it motivates me to declutter and clean! I also love all the flowers! I would LOVE to learn punch needle!

  52. I would love to with this pattern thank you for the opportunity

  53. Hi Rose. This year my favorite thing about Spring will be turning OFF my furnace. I'm tired of hearing it run. I also love seeing my daffodils bloom - I actually picked 6 of them yesterday. I would love to try my hand at your punch needle sheepy - very cute! Thanks for the chance.

  54. Spring! I love that word because it brings to mind daffodils blooming, Easter bunnies (both chocolate and fuzzy), candy peeps, tulips blooming and some of the best weather of the year. Spring makes me feel alive.

    I love that lamb needle punch pattern. It is just too cute. Thanks for the opportunity.

    P.S. I agree with Kathy R. Turning off the heater and not having to pay PG&E for a few months is the best.

  55. Oh yes please!! I've been reading your blog for ever so long. I love seeing all your punch needle designs, and have always wanted to learn. My favorite thing about Spring: all the baby lambs in the fields!! :-)

  56. I love being able to get out and breathe in the fresh air!

  57. I would love to learn needle punch. Thank you.

  58. Oh my!! I have to say that i do know how to punch ,But would LOVE to win this!!!
    my Favorite part of Spring is getting to get out and start gardening!!! love to get my hands in the dirt and planting flowers and things!!

  59. This would be sooooooooooo much fun, thanks for sharing with us.

    Vicki R

  60. Surely would like to give this a try..cute sheep! Janice

  61. Hi favorite thing about spring is the longer days and refreshing the flower beds with fresh annuals. I would love to learn how to punch needle. You always share such great projects...and who doesn't love the beaded borders?

    Thank you for the opportunity and good luck to everyone :)

  62. Hola Rose, claro que me gusta el "Punchneedle". Me encantaría aprender pues el resultado es magnífico. Me gusta mucho y me gustaría participar en este sorteo. Gracias por todo.
    Saludos desde Valencia (España) y besos.

  63. Rose this a beautiful pattern! Hugs,Jen

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Spring seeds growing in the windowsill pots puts a smile on my face!

  66. I love to see the flowers and trees beginning to sprout...the warming of the weather....but now I have another to look forward to. Our daughter got married last weekend in a beautiful wedding so now we will have an anniversary to celebrate each year.

  67. I just purchased my first punch needle pattern/kit. I've yet to start it, but I'm looking forward to it. Another "beginner" project is just what I need!!!

  68. Love it! My favorite thing about spring is to see the bluebirds nesting:) They are one of my favorite birds!

  69. Spring is a new awakening. I love to see the crocus and daffodils peak out of the soil, the first colors of this beautiful season. It's my favorite season of the year.
    I love the punch needle sheep pattern, and would like to learn this new craft.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  70. J'adore ce mouton, il est très mignon!
