
May 13, 2014

After The Rain...

I love a good storm...
It stormed and pelted rain this morning.  
But, just as quick, the sun separated the clouds.
Warm breezes arrived and the gardens are glowing.

One of my favorite plants is Hostas,
with large leaves that collect water.

A single cherry blossom.

Lily of the Valley, Primrose and Bleeding Heart...
happy to share the garden.

Forget Me knots.
(After blooming and going to seed,
 pull them from the ground and shake
the seeds from them.  They will easily
reseed themselves and you will be blessed
with waves of 'Forget Me Knots' next year.)

"Resolve to be tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving 
and tolerant of the weak and the wrong.
Sometime in life you will have been
all of these."
                                          Author Unknown

Wishing you a pleasant day !