
Have you ever wondered ?

So many times I buy Perle Cotton Thread
and there is a size difference in the balls.
(with same type and weight of thread)
Why ?

It makes me feel like one of the balls
was partially used...

Or maybe came unwound...
Not so.  
As it turns out, both balls hold the same amount 
of Perle Cotton Thread. It just depends on 
how tightly they were wound.

Also, some brands of Perle Cotton balls are 
wound on a "core", while others are not.


On to the gardens,
where I have been spending my time...

Lily of the Valley



American Cranberry
(These blossoms will become amazing red berries in the Autumn!)

(Iris are also called "flags" - 
Blooming on tall stems for Memorial Day)



Today it is raining and chilly.
A great day to stitch with a big pot of 
Chicken Corn Soup with Rivals,
simmering on the stove.

Enjoy your day,
whether raining or sunny !


  1. Thank you Rose for explaining the difference in the size of the perle cotton thread! I've been carrying more of them here in the studio and have noticed that difference in size with the same weight and amount of thread! We can always learn something from each other here in the blog world! Bless your heart! LOVE the photos... gorgeous blooms! Could use a cuppa that soup here today too... chilly and overcast!
    Cathy G

  2. I have always wondered that. Thanks. Your flowers are so lovely. There is just something about gardening that makes life seem so slow and peaceful.
    Have a wonderful day, your soup looks wonderful. It was cool and over cast here but now it has burned off, it is a wonderful day to stitch on the porch. ( Now that my work is done.)

  3. Your soup made me feel all warm and fuzzy. My best friend I had growing up always invited me over when her mom made that soup. Her mom was Pennsylvania Dutch. Makes me want some!! Thank you.

  4. Gorgeous flowers Rose. I've never seen an American Cranberry, hope you post a pic when the berries turn red.

    The soup looks hearty and delish....enjoy!

  5. One other thing I've noted with cotton yarn is the colour or varigated one have less yardage than the nature ones because of the weight difference. Could be with the perle cotton also. I've notice that the perle 8 for Valdani is not exactly the same gauge as DMC perle 8 also beside the issue with the core.

  6. your iris are lovely, mine are finally showing color in the buds so it won't
    be long now. So anxious to see what survived the winter.

  7. Your photo's are beautiful Rose. Your end of the state is about 10 days ahead of us on the other end. Our blooms are just starting to open. Well, at least the ones that the deer have not decimated! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful flowers! I am especially intrigued by that American Cranberry & the first iris pictured : ) That soup looks delicious!

  9. I have also wondered about the pearle cotton balls. Thank you for the answer to the question. Your flower gardens are awesome. The flowers are in bloom with such pretty colors. Yes, some homemade soup would sure taste good right about now... :)

  10. Hi Rose,
    What beautiful flowers - and you have such a wonderful variety.
    Never knew this about the thread, but then again I buy my perle in skeins, not the balls....I guess because the color I use mostly, only comes in skeins. But nice to know.

  11. Your Iris remind me so much of my father's love of gardening, so beautiful! I grew up surrounded by multitudes of flowers, iris and roses especially, blooming shrubbery and our entire property was bordered in pink dogwood. Sadly, I have a non-green thumb, or it could be this dratted coastal soil. I'll enjoy your garden, thanks for sharing.

  12. How beautiful are those flowers! It is rainy here as well and that soup looks wonderful!

  13. Anonymous5/30/2014

    So nice to see your comment on my blog today. Such pretty flowers; especially the lily of the valley. The recipe sounds very good. We are hot/muggy today after overnight rain.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend.
