
A Long Walk And A Song...

It couldn't be any more beautiful here today !
78 degrees with a soft breeze.

Out for a walk,
and this is what we found...

Loving these long deep purple stems !

Bluebird boxes enclosed with wire to keep predators out.

~ Queen Anne's Lace ~
I like to press these flower heads in old books.
When they are dry, I will attach them to card stock,
give them a light spray of fine glitter,
and you have snowflake cards !

Milddlecreek Wildlife Sanctuary

Milkweed and a 'Bumble'

Adore the color and texture of this plant

So soft and elegant

As kids, we would love to catch 
one of these silky seeds floating on a breeze.  
If we were lucky enough to catch one,
we would make a wish and then release it.

I love to hear a musical instrument in the house.
I have been lucky enough to be serenaded
all summer by my son, (who practices
piano twice a day).

Enjoy this beautiful day, friends...
here comes the weekend. ;)


  1. I grew up in PA but have never seen those purple stemmed things. How beautiful! I'm loving all the photos ... a walk full of treasures.

  2. What a beautiful post, Rose! Your photography is gorgeous.....thanks for taking us on your walk! :o)

  3. Yay for the weekend! Do you have any idea about those purple stems? I love your walk. So many interesting things to see.
    My son plays like that too. Every day. I love that part about being a Mom listening to the music that the boys make all the time on their instruments. I bet it makes you so happy.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I am intrigued by those purple stems..... Your post just goes to show, there is beauty all around, if you just care to look.

  5. Anonymous7/18/2014

    You have shared some very special images. I always enjoyed pressing violas and making cards. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  6. Such pretty flowers. I love Queen Anne's Lace, and my husband always says "it's just a weed"! Well, then it's a pretty weed!

  7. I too use to love listening to my girls practice their piano! Just puts a smile on your face! Thanks for the lovely walk too....

  8. Hi Rose,
    What are those purple stems?
    I live rural and so enjoy your photos of the queen Anne's lace, thistles and coneflowers etc,
    loved your idea of the wire on your bluebird boxes, passed that on to my Hubbs.
