
Lace Leaves And Good Eats...

As many beautiful flowers are in my garden,
there is an equal amount of 'lace leaves'.
This is the real side of gardening !

How many beetles can one have in their garden ?
And, they are hungry - very hungry.

Lace leaves are mostly what is left 
on my Porcelain Berry vine.
(and many other plants)

Porcelain Berry Vine

They never stop eating !
In the Fall, this vine has beautiful
pale blue / white berries.
(Hopefully they won't eat the berries !)

Enough of the Beatles,
moving on to 'Good Eats' for people...

My #2 Daughter gifted this book to me.
I have long followed their Blog.
They truly are 6 sisters that started a Blog 
to keep in touch with one another.

It morphed into a successful business,
that now employs their parents also.

The book has 52 meal plans,
that you can mix and match.
Full color photos of each recipe.
All the ingredients are easily found 
in your local grocery store.

I am working my way through this book
and haven't had a bad meal yet !

Enjoy your day, friends ;)


  1. Oh my goodness! That's way too many beetles! First pic shows two of them already making MORE beetles! lol!

  2. How can they be so hungry, and just think they are in every garden .. everywhere, millions and trillions of them. Wow!! I've visited their blog before, sweet!!

  3. Those pictures of your garden are just so beautiful!

  4. Icky bugs!! Good photos though. I love that cookbook. I have read that blog from time to time. I need to get it, I need a book to fix food to eat though. The photos looks wonderful.

  5. Are the beetles a natural phenomonen or are they unwanted visitors? I noticed our roses are sprouting new growth at the moment and are thick with unwanted aphids. I am reluctant to spray because there are a few ladybugs as well and they are good for eating aphids.They just need to invite all their friends. Enjoy that cookbook, delicious looking meals.

  6. I have never heard of the Six Sisters but will check out their blog. The recipe book sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Morning Rose
    Im not only battling the beetle, but the little cucumber beetle and squash bug.
    I have beetle bags everywhere.
    Bugs are so bad this year.
    That cookbook looks wonderful.
    Have a great weekend
    Woolie Hugs

  8. I always used to be afraid of beetles when I was a little girl. They would visit my mother's rose bushes every summer, but nothing like the photos you are showing! I still am very uncomfortable around beetles & I would probably hole up inside the house until winter if I saw as many outside as you have! I've never heard of that blog/cookbook but will have to check it out. Thank you : )

  9. I am so sorry about those nasty beetles! I was attracted to your blog by that beautiful header, especially the sheep rug. What a beauty!! Following via Feedly now. Hope you get some berries despite those hungry beetles.

  10. Those darn beetles are starting to visit here now too. Dreadful little monsters aren't they? Thanks for the 6 Sisters reference, will check that out. Have a beautiful Summer weekend.
