
Please Meet The Doo-Rock !

The rule is
"If it has a heartbeat, it isn't getting into the house."
Now before you judge...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE animals !
All kinds !
And we have always had dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc. 
in our home.

But, then I had children...
A lot of children...
and all of a sudden things got way crazy.
Our Pup, "Peaches" gave us 19 of the most
wonderful, fulfilling years.

But, when Peaches was gone,
my new 'rule' was law.

The Doo-Rock (last year) as a 'youth'.

My son is now 11 years old.
The ONLY thing he wanted for his birthday
last year was a Lizard.
(How can I deny my son his one wish..
the only boy in a family of all girls !)

Disclaimer:  I did tell my husband to choose carefully,
because Leopard Geckos can live 20-30 years.
(And we all know who will be taking care of him
down the road.  (Hint:  NOT me !)

'Baby' Doo-Rock

Well, how could you resist this colorful fellow ??
Ugh !  Am I really doing this ???

His color has changed, his tail has fattened up
and he is as handsome as ever !!

Yes -

Don't believe me ??
Doo-Rock LOVES to have his belly rubbed
and he freely gives out kisses.
Yes, kisses, (I kid you not) !
He is gentle and loving.

Doo-Rock lives in a warm terrarium
and eats live crickets 
and mealy worms.  
(Mealy worms are like candy to a lizard)

And, guess who buys the live crickets
and mealy worms, every week ??
That's ;)
** I've even been known to catch crickets 
in the back lawn, to save a trip to the store. **
(Hey, anything to give me more stitching time!)

They are nocturnal and he sleeps 
in a little cave during the day.

A glimpse into a day at the Clay household ;)

Have a wonderful weekend !


  1. Oh my my my.....what we moms do for our kiddos!! You're a good mom!

  2. Very cool! He is quite handsome! My Annie loves snakes...can you believe it? Mr.MW and I abhor snakes. I once walked into Annie's kindergarten class and saw what I thought was a bracelet around her wrist as she sat at the computer. I freaked out when the teacher told me it was a baby corn snake...Annie loved it! No snakes at our house, but I think a lovely lizard like would be welcome!

  3. I don't think so.......but I think you are a cool mom!

  4. Yes, I have had lizards too, though not as pretty, and Iguana that grew to be over 6 1/2 feet long and a bearded dragon. I hunted up things for him to eat too. That makes me laugh, I never thought I would go hunting meal worms too.
    I love seeing a glimpse into your house hold, I think one of the first times I met you was when you gave that lovely chest for the lizard cage to sit on. I was quite impressed.
    It still looks lovely for a lizard cage I might add. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Oh my. What a colorful creature! I've never seen one and that tail is so cool. I didn't know they could give kisses! He must be a happy fellow.

  6. That is one sweet gecko! I could get used to one of those really fast. Tiny dinosaurs. Love 'em.

  7. He's a colorful little guy! Cute!

  8. Your son is a lucky boy and your a good Mom.
    I see he's also using your bargain bench you found.

    I'm still thinking about Peaches embroidery and beading,
    so beautiful, don't know how you find the time, but glad
    of it.


  9. Aren't you a tolerant Mom? HIs coloring reminds me of variegated yarn. My rule for critters is a simple one, no fur, no come in! More work for me, of course, but I need fuzz and fluff. My dogs are now 16 and 11. Already looking for puppies!

  10. I love it! My son was the same age when he got a lizard.....a Mountain Boomer......and it was such a great pet! We live far from any town so I ordered meal worms through the internet. It was a company that I can't remember the name of, but they were out of Louisiana......and very healthy meal worms and his lizard did well!

  11. Doo-Rock ROCKS! He is handsome but I'd have to see those kisses, really?


  12. You're a great Mom. :)
