
August 16, 2014

Please Meet The Doo-Rock !

The rule is
"If it has a heartbeat, it isn't getting into the house."
Now before you judge...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE animals !
All kinds !
And we have always had dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc. 
in our home.

But, then I had children...
A lot of children...
and all of a sudden things got way crazy.
Our Pup, "Peaches" gave us 19 of the most
wonderful, fulfilling years.

But, when Peaches was gone,
my new 'rule' was law.

The Doo-Rock (last year) as a 'youth'.

My son is now 11 years old.
The ONLY thing he wanted for his birthday
last year was a Lizard.
(How can I deny my son his one wish..
the only boy in a family of all girls !)

Disclaimer:  I did tell my husband to choose carefully,
because Leopard Geckos can live 20-30 years.
(And we all know who will be taking care of him
down the road.  (Hint:  NOT me !)

'Baby' Doo-Rock

Well, how could you resist this colorful fellow ??
Ugh !  Am I really doing this ???

His color has changed, his tail has fattened up
and he is as handsome as ever !!

Yes -

Don't believe me ??
Doo-Rock LOVES to have his belly rubbed
and he freely gives out kisses.
Yes, kisses, (I kid you not) !
He is gentle and loving.

Doo-Rock lives in a warm terrarium
and eats live crickets 
and mealy worms.  
(Mealy worms are like candy to a lizard)

And, guess who buys the live crickets
and mealy worms, every week ??
That's ;)
** I've even been known to catch crickets 
in the back lawn, to save a trip to the store. **
(Hey, anything to give me more stitching time!)

They are nocturnal and he sleeps 
in a little cave during the day.

A glimpse into a day at the Clay household ;)

Have a wonderful weekend !