
August 03, 2014

Stitching Cobwebs And Spiderwebs...

I love all types of Spiders
and their webs... 

I like to add them to my hand embroidery
and also to my labels on the back
of finished pieces.

A tiny cobweb in the crook 
of a skeleton tree.

This cobweb and spider embellish
the side of a box.

Another type of "Spider Web"...

Spider Web Embroidery Stitch...

Step 1 - Thread a needle with 3 strands
of Embroidery Floss or one strand of 
Perle Cotton.  Knot end.

Step 2 - Stitch a cross stitch.

Step 3 - Add 2 additional 'spokes'.

Step 4 - Bring needle up from bottom of fabric,
close to center of spokes.  Cross over center
of spokes and take needle through fabric
to back, making a tiny stitch,
to secure center of spokes.
This is the center point of your Spider Web.

Step 5 - Bring needle up from bottom of fabric
between 2 spokes, close to center.
You will now begin to 'weave' the web,
only working on the surface of your cloth.

Step 6 - Slide the needle under the spoke prior to 
and under the next spoke.  Pull thread snugly
but gently to surround the first spoke.

Step 7 - Continue in this fashion, 
pressing the 'web' towards center.

Step 8 - Continue around spokes,
only working on the surface.  When the spokes
are full, take needle to back of fabric at the
end of the spoke and knot.

Step 9 - You can add French Knots around 
the Spider Web to embellish...

You can also add 
additional stitches and beads.
This also makes a beautiful Snowflake
when stitched in white floss and embellished
with crystals or glass beads.

~ ~ ~ ~
Enjoy this beautiful August weekend...