
The Purple Shoes...

I thought I was the only one who would 
venture out in these very plum purple shoes !
Not so...

I met 'in person' a fellow blogger 
at The Lititz Artisans' Porchwalk.
But not just any blogger...
a blogger who loves wooly good things
rocks bright purple shoes
(and thinks nothing of it ;)
* * *
A blogger who loves wooly good things,
wears bright purple sneakers 
and brought me gifts.
(Chocolate included - which might make her
a friend for life!)

Thanks Trace ;)
You can visit her blog at

The Porchwalk was so much fun this year.

Cat and Mouse String Bag

I met so many new friends
and the best part is seeing old friends
every year and catching up on life.

This was the garden entrance to my Porch.
Beautiful !

The view from my Porch.

The large old tree in front of the Porch.
Love the gnarled roots that have
lifted from the ground.

They hold a little pool of water from the rain
that fell from the night before.
Autumn leaves in all colors are nestled
in the crevice.

I couldn't resist snapping a pic of 
this very fine fellow.
Handsome as ever ready to take 
his vehicle for a spin !

Enjoy this beautiful day...


  1. Rose, oh how I wish that the distance to your porch is so far. Hope you had a good show and sold many items.

  2. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Love the purple shoes!

  3. How wonderful your porchwalk sale looks! Hope it was successful! Love your chauffeur in your car!

  4. Quite a handsome fella behind that wheel! Hope you did well with the sales but must say you have lots of great goodies. I'm sure I'd have had a bag full as it looks all too tempting.


  5. Your booth looks like heaven. I hope you had a good show.
    I can't ever imagine buying purple they look good on both of you!
    Hugs :)

  6. It looks wonderful. I love the roots with the puddle of rain. The dog waiting to drive is so funny. He looks so serious about it.
    I would love your purple shoes!!! You have the cutest shoes! I love that picture of all of your goodies. I love the bright colors of your thread. I was reading your post and Ron leaned over and said, " Don't you love all of those bright colors. :) I hope you did very well.

  7. A truly fun new memory!
    I love the purple shoes photo.
    Your porch was beautiful.
    I was so excited to be there I missed those awesome tree roots.
    So happy to have met you in person my very talented woolie friend.
    Have a wonderful Fall day!
    Woolie Hugs

  8. Everything is beautiful...the purple shoes, the porch, the canine driver....and your booth is just gorgeous! So many yummy colors you have so beautifully displayed! Looks like a fun time!
