
Cleaning Up And 'Nesting'...

It's time to begin putting the beds to sleep...
piles of leaves, perennials to trim
and birdhouses to clean out.

I love gathering the nests together.
They have stories to tell !!

This particular bird was very crafty 
in making a home.
This was a Carolina Wren's home.
I watched her all summer.
She located her nest 
in a mature "knock-out" rose bush,
just outside our dining room window.


One of my favorite trees...
The leaves of a Gingko are thick and fan shaped.
This tree 'glows' in the Fall.
(But, if you blink you will miss it,
because when the leaves drop...
they drop, all at once !)

A leaf lined pathway...
This tree is where the Wren 
gathered her peeling bark for her nest.

Oak Leaf Hydrangea beginning to show color

"Nesting" inside on this chilly, rainy Saturday !


  1. Hi Rose - I'm not sure if the ginkos grow here in Utah - it sure is a pretty tree! I love collecting nests too - you've got a great collection of them there. I'll usually put them in a bag in the freezer for a few days so no surprise guests arrive when I use them to decorate inside the house! LOL

  2. I think it is just lovely Rose, all of the color and the bird nests.
    I always love looking at what the birds collected to make nests.
    I did that yesterday, I love putting the gardens to bed.
    Have a wonderful day, "nesting."

  3. Quite a crafty nest maker your wren. Not sure how related the Carolina wrens are to the wrens in Delaware but for a small itty bitty bird they sure do have strong lungs. And with each peep they bob their beautiful tiny heads to the other side. Sure do love watching them.


  4. What a very cool nest.
    I love this time of year.
    And nesting warmly indoors.
    Happy Sunday!

  5. My neighbor has a gingko tree. It is such a beautiful yellow and then like you said, in an eyeblink it is bare.
    Hugs :)

  6. Anonymous11/02/2014

    The nest and the tree are gorgeous.
    I have a new blog, Mildred formerly of Blackberry Lane

  7. I was trying to explain something to my Husband about 5 minutes before I read your post. When I was leaving the golf club this morning I was stunned by the glowing Gingo tree at the end of the parking lot. It was absolutely gorgeous. I picked up a few leaves to press but I am going back in the morning. I need more. I showed him your photo he was impressed. Thanks for posting the right thing at the right time, once again!

  8. a beautiful post as always that i love reading
