
November 01, 2014

Cleaning Up And 'Nesting'...

It's time to begin putting the beds to sleep...
piles of leaves, perennials to trim
and birdhouses to clean out.

I love gathering the nests together.
They have stories to tell !!

This particular bird was very crafty 
in making a home.
This was a Carolina Wren's home.
I watched her all summer.
She located her nest 
in a mature "knock-out" rose bush,
just outside our dining room window.


One of my favorite trees...
The leaves of a Gingko are thick and fan shaped.
This tree 'glows' in the Fall.
(But, if you blink you will miss it,
because when the leaves drop...
they drop, all at once !)

A leaf lined pathway...
This tree is where the Wren 
gathered her peeling bark for her nest.

Oak Leaf Hydrangea beginning to show color

"Nesting" inside on this chilly, rainy Saturday !