
Savouring Autumn...

While my mind is swirling with 'winter' designs,
I really try hard to 'live in' 
and enjoy the moment I am in...
Swirling leaves, cold nights, 
frosty mornings, sunny afternoons
Thanksgiving is on our heals...

"Autumn's End" has been an experiment of sorts.
I love bringing out my button jar - 
dumping the contents onto my dining room table...
smelling cloves and sorting buttons.

(I place cloves in my button jars,
to take away any 'musty' odors.)

I am loving the combination 
of Punch Needle Embroidery,
Wool and Buttons !

I think I will use this as a 'trivet' 
for my Thanksgiving table.

A golden carpet

This is my favorite view from my kitchen window.
The black silhouettes of trees at dusk.
So peaceful and quiet
as the day comes to an end.



  1. And get gravy on that beautiful piece?? Surely you won't !! Lol. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours! I'll be spending the holiday at my daughters & plan to over-eat because I don't have to cook it...bonus round!!

  2. I think it looks wonderful. I will try that clove idea. I have never heard that before.
    I love your Autumn design.

  3. Love the pic of the gingko leaves. My neighbor has one and my DSO and I were just talking a bit ago about how in a matter of a day, it drops all those beautiful leaves.
    I will have to add cloves to my many button jars. Thanks for such a great idea.
    Hugs :)

  4. Beautiful design. I love the buttons and what a clever idea to put cloves in a button jar. I 'm headed right now for my spice cabinet.

  5. Beautiful leaves...both the punched kind and the tree kind! Aren't button jars fun?

  6. leaves, wool and buttons just beautiful.
    What a good idea av
    bout the cloves too.

  7. The finish on this little piece is awesome with the buttons & the wool strip - plus buttonhole stitch - love it! Your ginkgo leaves are so pretty - I wish I had one of those trees growing in MY yard!

  8. Absolutely beautiful. The combination with buttons is genius. Most of us have some sort of collection and they languish. I love the idea of cloves in the button jar. Thanks for that.

  9. Thanks for the cloves idea with buttons! I will pick some up next time I am at the grocery store. Visiting from Sew Many Ways.
