
Charged Up About Fiber...

I am happiest when I am surrounded
by color, textures and fiber !
There is just something cozy, warm 
and comforting about being "tucked into"
a chair and stitching, hooking, 
punching, crocheting, etc.

My #3 daughter loves color and fiber as much
as I do.  She made this "cover" for her
IPhone charger cord.  I L.O.V.E. this !!
So colorful and filled with personality...

She will always be able to tell which cord
is hers !  (Does that mean there is no 
more taking mom's cord when she can't
find hers ??) YES !!

Disclaimer:  Actually, this daughter never takes my cord,
however the other two daughters are a different story !

This same daughter brought me home
a new drink to try.  I have been obsessed 
with the Chia seed lately...tossing them into
smoothies, yogurt and baked goods.
Chia seeds have more antioxidants than
blueberries.  Enough said !
This drink is very different, but good.

~  ~  ~
It's been crispy cold here in Pennsylvania.
Cozying in to stitch...


  1. Beautiful colors! Very talented daughter! I love Chia...I drink Chia tea every morning! I found a wonderful black tea and Chia latte mix that I mix with almond milk and it is yummy.
    Stay warm,

  2. Wow. Will have to look for those seeds. I love and eat lots of fresh blueberries in yogurt, use low sugar craisins in my oatmeal, love salmon, etc. Sill put that on my grocery list hunt.

    Cute cord dressing!


  3. I love that, so bright and so pretty. I have been doing the same thing.
    Lovely pictures today.

  4. I see creative talent runs in your family. I love that cord cover and would love to have one for myself.

    We have started putting the Chia seeds in our morning shakes, and sometimes blueberries too. However, the berries have been so expensive lately, even in FL!

    Stay warm!

  5. Happy New Year, Rose!!! I am still in Texas with my family on extended holiday. Spending lots of time with my frail Mom....enjoying the unending hospitality of my little brother & his wife. I hope to head home early next week if the weather allows travel. Time to start planning my daughters wedding. We have bought "the dress" so that's a biggie off the list!! Still tugging my heart onward....Sunday is Keith's birthday he would have been 59, but he is now forever young in glory. I am anxious to get home for many reasons but mainly to get a needle back in my hand!! I will pass along the cord cover to my daughter as a hint!!! Be well & stay cozy!!!

  6. Hi Rose, really cold on my side of the mountains too. Love the cord cover idea! She is one smart cookie. That yarn would make a super afghan as well!

  7. What a clever daughter you have. The acorn doesn't fall too they say.
    I am tired of winter
    Hugs :)

  8. What beautiful color and neat idea.
    And chia seed..hmm
    Im going to need to find me some of that.
    Great idea.
    Warm Woolie Hugs
