
January 25, 2015

"Secret Weapon" For Aging...

"Lancaster County Star" Punch Needle design -
"Lancaster County Star" finished on a bread board

This punch needle design is a combination 
of some of my favorite things...
the Log Cabin quilt design, a Lancaster County star
and charming Colonial pennies.

~ ~ ~ ~
(I will be giving away two of the 
"Lancaster County Star" patterns.
If you'ld like the chance to win one,
leave a comment on this post...
Check will be announced here
on Wednesday, January 28th.)

Aging A Bread Board -

I started with a bread board.
(Wish I had a vintage one, but that was not the case !)
I painted the bread board 'True Ochre"...
(looks exactly like yellow mustard)
knowing that was not
going to be the "finished color".

Aging A Bread Board -

My 'secret weapon' for aging ??
Plain old shoe polish !
(okay, maybe not a secret to some, 
but I am still amazed at how well 
something so 'common' works !)

I have the fondest memories of my Dad polishing 
shoes every Saturday.  I still cannot believe 
that polishing shoes was even a weekly chore, 
back in the day !!!
The smell of KIWI shoe wax takes me back to that time.

Aging A Bread Board -

I used a soft old cloth, and with circular motions,
I applied the polish to all sides.

"Lancaster County Star" Punch Needle design -

When the shoe polish was dry, 
(or had set for about an hour),
I then used a clean soft cloth to "buff" off any residue.

"Lancaster County Star" Punch Needle design -

The perfect place for my punch needle to rest.

"Lancaster County Star" Punch Needle design -
Punch needle design using Valdani Variegated Perle Cotton

'Lancaster County Star' is now available
in my Studio, or at your local Needlework Shop.

Wishing you a wonderful and creative weekend...