
June 17, 2015

Red, Wooly Strawberries...

Bed Springs -

Whenever I have free time, I enjoy putzing 
and puttering in the ally shops and storefronts
of historic Lititz.  We have a thriving downtown 
with more quaint shops and eateries than 
you could possibly cover in one day.

While at the "Curiosity Shop",
I came upon a large basket, filled to the brim
with old bed springs.

Bed Springs -

Hmmm, what to do with them ?
Don't they look like Christmas Trees ??

Red Wool Strawberries by Rose Clay at

I'm thinking of strawberries.
Red, ripe, wooly good strawberries 
with black glass beads for seeds...
and maybe a small dangling strawberry or two.

Red Wool Strawberries by Rose Clay at

Hand dyed green wool with 
Valdani perle cotton thread.

Red Wool Strawberries by Rose Clay at

Red Wool Strawberries by Rose Clay at

Red Wool Strawberries by Rose Clay at

This week will probably be our last 
for picking strawberries.  The strawberry
fields are sadly coming to their end.

~  ~  ~  ~
"Believe in yourself
and all that you are.
Know that there is
something inside you
that is greater
than any obstacle."
                          Christian D. Larson
~  ~  ~  ~

Steadfast be on this gorgeous day...