
October 01, 2015

Maple Cream Weavers Cloth...

Punch Needle Embroidery by Rose Clay at
Punch Needle Design using Valdani Variegated Perle Cotton

Sometimes, when doing punch needle embroidery,
I love the look of punching the main object, 
but would prefer to not fill in the background.

Punch Needle Embroidery by Rose Clay at
Valdani Perle Cotton Thread in Backyard Honeycomb

There have been times, I have simply loved the design -
loved how the main design 'stood on it's own'...
until I punched the background...  
and then I felt like the main design 
just faded or lost it's ...well, *punch*.

Different Shades Of Weavers Cloth -

I usually do punch needle on very light Weavers Cloth.
There are a couple reasons for this.
After coming up with a pattern, I need to be able to
transfer the pattern to the cloth.  A very easy task
when you are working with light colored Weavers Cloth.
Usually, to leave the background unpunched
was not the most attractive. 

I have recently come across a beautiful 
Weavers Cloth in the shade of 'Maple Cream'.
I am loving this colorway.  It is perfect as a darker background
for a punched design, and yet not 'too dark' that it can't 
have a design transferred onto it for punching.

Punch Needle Embroidery by Rose Clay at

The punch needle design can easily
be transfered to the 'Maple Cream' Weavers Cloth.
(To make the pattern easier to transfer,
you can  trace over the design with a sharpie marker
to make it darker, before transferring, if needed.)

For those that would like to give it a try...
The 'Maple Cream' Weavers Cloth 
is now available in the Studio
in Fat Quarter Yd. cuts.

~  ~  ~  ~

Happy Autumn from

The 2015 Artisans' Porchwalk is 
Friday, October 2, 10-5 p.m.
Saturday, October 3, 10-4 p.m.
in Historic Lititz, PA
~ Rain or Shine ~

Yes, it is suppose to pour rain,
but, I have a lovely porch that is cozy and
would love to have you visit me if you 
are in the area.
(Maybe we will get a break in the weather -
*fingers crossed* !)

Have a lovely Thursday...