
November 09, 2015

Embroidery Guild Retreat...

The Red Rose Embroidery Guild
meets once a month...
it's a great group of exceptionally talented gals.

My absolute favorite event is the once a year 
'Stitchers Retreat', held at Millersville University.
Who doesn't like to sew from 8:30 a.m.
until 3 p.m. and have a fabulous lunch served to you ??

At the retreat, some of us worked on unfinished 
projects, while others picked up new projects.

Some of what we worked on this past Saturday...

Beautiful bead work...

Christmas lights to be made into a wreath...

Hand knit sweater for a Grand baby...

Another Grand baby gift...

Beautiful Victorian house...

Beaded and sparkled Mermaid...

"I have learned...
that I still have a lot to learn..."

Tiny French knots top these 'acorns' or maybe
they are strawberries.  No matter, for they are lovely !

Beautiful roses...

Large mustard moon...

Counted Cross Stitch of an old mill...

Frosty winter scene...

Thanks Ladies for a wonderful Saturday ;)