
Mattress Ticking ...

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay
 Punch Needle Heart and Mattress Ticking

I have been enjoying working with 
Mattress Ticking...
trying to come up with ideas to use
these beautiful striped fabrics.

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay

After punching and pressing,
I snugly fold the Weavers Cloth to the back
and press in place.

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay

You will notice I leave my threads in the back
a little longer.  I have found that you can 
work easier around the details, when punching,
if you don't cut them flush or close 
to the weavers cloth.  Also, while antiquing,
I have seen some amazing vintage punch needle 
pieces, where the backs were trimmed too close,
and now the punches are loosening at those
places.  Sad to see.

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay
Heart punched with Valdani Perle Cotton

I only have a very small piece of this
vintage ticking remaining...
I have learned some very valuable lessons
while working with this ticking.

Vintage ticking can be fragile...
I usually work with wool fabric, which has
a certain amount of 'give' to it.
I learned you cannot pull and tug on old ticking...
it will tear.  Lesson learned, (the hard way) !

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay

With a wide spaced running stitch, 
I secure the punch needle piece 
to the ticking.

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay

Adding embellishments...

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay
Hand Dyed Wool Fabric backing

Initials and a ticking patch on the back...

'Most Loved' Punch Needle Heart on Mattress Ticking by Rose Clay
Hand dyed shell button on wool patch

'Most Loved' is ready to hang 
from a linen strap.

May you have a beautiful weekend...


  1. I'm new to the world of needle punch and really appreciate you sharing your "lessons learned". Your heart is lovely!

  2. Still haven't tried needle punch. That ticking is not easy to find and SO nice. Great finish.

  3. I just took a needle punch class - I like it. I love ticking. Your projects are so nice!

  4. Very cool finish.
    Hugs :)

  5. Each post is indeed like a mini-lesson. This is such a nice idea. Having a small piece of Vintage cloth and finding a good way to use it is a bit tricky. This is a wonderful idea. I can see these hanging from a knob on a hutch or on a door knob. You are giving me ideas. Have a great week Rose, nothing like a Winter break in the middle of Spring in Pa! Yes?

  6. I love the heart piece. I look forward to your ideas and tutorials. You are very kind to share your ideas with us. I want to try this one. Don't have any vintage ticking but I have some that will work. Thank you so much.

  7. I love how the punching is offset on the ticking. Genius! I learn so much from you!! Thanks for the long distance learning. Hope you & yours are doing better!!!

  8. Its beautiful!! I love the blue.

  9. Could I do this on my own without an instructor? I used to do the 'Pretty Punch' which was the larger one.
