
Summer Days...

Hand Embroidery by Rose Clay at

~  Hydrangeas  ~
Dozens of french knots in 
different shades of pink,
on a wool background.

The summer is slowing down,
which it usually does for me, 
sometime in July.
It's a time for me to relax more
and work less...
well, not really, but I wish.
My 'To do list' is getting longer every day,
but my motivation is less.

Some of the things I LOVE about summer...
the smell of cut grass
walking around the gardens
water balloons
napping on the hammock
reading quietly at all hours of the day
children's voices in the neighborhood
windows open
breezes blowing the sheers
long walks in the evening
eating meals outside
birds at the birdbath
the farmers market
looong bike rides
eating lighter meals (eating MORE dessert !)

Do you have anything to add to this list ??
Enjoy these days of summer...


  1. Looks like a perfect list to me <3 Am especially loving the extra dessert x

  2. Oh that stitch is beautiful Rose. I love that. I don't know if I have ever seen that stitch before.
    I think for me right now I spend so much time in the swimming pool, watching my chickens be chickens.
    Sitting under my favorite tree in the garden. I love your list.

  3. Lovely list. Right now we have heat and suffacating humidity so Hubbs and I are stuck inside till evening or early morning.

    I did get the holes dug for the trees Sat night and Sunday we finally got those poor babies in the ground. Now We just have to keep them alice with lots of water.

  4. cannot forget loving the time spent stitching/hooking/punching on the patio and/or porch swing, listening to the bumbler-bees humming summer-songs in the herb garden and a million stars winking back at me on a hot summer's night ~
