
White Has My Heart...

White Wool Applique Pumpkins by Rose Clay at

It is THE perfect Friday...
Sunshine and temps in the 90's.
I watered everything last night and
filled the bird bath with fresh water
for my chattering, feathered friends.

Now, time for stitching...

White Wool Applique Pumpkins by Rose Clay at

Wool Applique Pumpkins...
Orange is nice,
but white has my heart !

White Wool Applique Pumpkins by Rose Clay at

Pearly shell buttons,
a smattering of french knots,
bits and bobs...

White Wool Applique Pumpkins by Rose Clay at

A little cast on blossom stitch,
hand embroidered with Valdani variegated Perle Cotton.

White Wool Applique Pumpkins by Rose Clay at

And, just a small scrap of the most beautiful linen...

Peach Season

I am one happy girl !
Peach season has officially started...
and one of our local orchards has told me,
"It is a good, good year for peaches" !

Have yourself a lovely, relaxing weekend !


  1. Love your pumpkin and peaches, too! We had plenty of rain so our local orchard should have really good ones. A bit early for us but I can't wait.

  2. Your stitches are perfectly beautiful. Peaches are my favorite then cherries. They do look yummy. Enjoy the weekend... it's gonna be HOT for us, again. Thank goodness for ACs.

  3. Orange is nice. White is nice. But I am avoiding anything pumpkin because the season will be here too soon! I need to search for local peaches, thanks.

  4. i do love the white pumpkin, glad to hear it's officially peach season!

  5. Oh what beauty, that white pumpkin speaks to me.
    I had a dear friend that just adored them and got me hooked making her several from a chenille bedspread she had purchased.

    Your peaches are gorgeous, my Husband is checking his little tree every day to make sure he gets them before the "wildlife" in the woods.
    My friend just text to say the corn farmer had his sign out and it was delish...oh my, it's going to be 100 today, can't say I want to work up corn.

  6. Lookin' very classy! :-) I hope you show the completed piece soon!

  7. Absolutely love your white pumpkin.
    And peaches ~~~ YUM!

  8. I love white pumpkins!! I don't know if I will get any pumpkins at all this year. Your peaches are lovely. Nothing prettier. It sounds like you had a lovely Friday. I hope your week is just as lovely.

  9. Love all your embellishing stitches on your white pumkin and that surprise of linen! Those peaches look yummy!

  10. Just picked up some peaches last night at Kroger. Had not add any in a long time. Love your stitching. Very pretty.
