
A Merry Christmas Giveaway...

Wool String Bag by Rose Clay at

A Merry Christmas

Wool String Bag by Rose Clay at

This String Bag is made from 100 percent 
 wool in a black and white houndstooth,
 with colorful wool applique blossoms on the front.
The flowers have been embellished
with hand embroidery.
Measures approximately 8in. x 7.75in.
not including hanger.

I have a few of these at my house.
My favorite one hangs from a knob in my kitchen,
where I use the string to...

~ Secure herbs in a bag to flavor soups and stews.
~ Tie cinnamon and clove in a 'coffee filter'
 and simmer in a kettle of apple cider.
(I love warm spiced cider !)
~Tie magazines and papers together for recycling.
~ Tie wool bundles together for hand dyeing. 
and more....

Wool String Bag by Rose Clay at

Ball of string is included.
(scissors are not)

To enter for a chance to win
this String Bag...
Leave a comment on this post
stating your all time 
FAVORITE Christmas Cookie !

I'll choose a winner on 
Sunday night, December 17th.
Remember to check back, 
to see if you have won !

**A winner has been chosen and contacted.
This giveaway is now closed.**
~  ~  ~

Wishing you a festive and fun weekend !


  1. Hi Rose,
    I will enter. I always love your work. I am happily working on that Santa. I hope to get it finished soon. My favorite cookie is Molasses Cookies. I make them over and over. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Very cute bag! I am finishing some embroidery of Santas. We love my mother's recipe for ginger crinkles. It is almost 50 degrees and very sunny here in Colorado so a little hard to be " in the mood" for baking.

  3. Rose,

    Just love the string Bag:). I love all your creations.
    My FAVORITE cookie is a Raisin filled cookie. My mother has been making them since I was a child. She is 94.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and to everyone blogging:)

  4. What a cute (and useful) bag! My FAVORITE Christmas cookie.......oh there are so many......but if I had to pick one I think it would be 7 Layer Bars (or Magic Cookie Bars as some call them). Merry Christmas!

  5. I too am a big fan of your designs and this one I love also. My favorite is a little different - one that my mother made during the holidays. It's basically a brown sugar dough, rolled and cut in circles, then filled with a nut filling and folded in half to form half moons. The filling is milk and nuts and seasonings cooked until it forms a paste. Reminds me of simpler times when we had time to make such a thing.
    Thanks so much. Dorothy

  6. What a wonderful give away, Rose. Our favorite Christmas cookies are Ginger Creams. They are a soft gingerbread with buttercream icing...and they only appear this time of year. Merry Christmas wishes to you and yours! Thank you. Ann

  7. Anonymous12/15/2017

    Clever and cute! Favorite cookies? My mother's nut cookies dipped in dark chocolate with sprinkles on top! Mmmmm....

  8. Chocolate Crinkles!! I've also heard them called them 'dirty snow' cookies! :) Your string bag sounds so very userful Rose! Thank you for the chance! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Ann in NC

  9. I always make anise Italian cookies for Christmas, even shipping some to the far away kids. Love your bag, such a useful pretty item.

  10. What a cute gift would love to win! My favorite cookie is anything frosted!

  11. I have way to many favorite cookies recipes but it has to be my Mom's Peanut butter cookies.

  12. My grandma's Date Pinwheels!

  13. I love the bag and everything you do. My favorite Christmas cookie is a fig cookie that my mother-in-law bakes. So good with a cup of hot coffee.

  14. I make a gingerbread boy cookie with a twelve inch cookie cutter. Then I have my kids help me decorate them.

  15. I love the bag! Today's favorite cookie is Bits of Brickle- a wonderful shortbread cookie with bits of toffee. The lovely lady who gave me the recipe was 103 years old at the time- and still making them!

  16. So cute, would love to win! My fave cookie is a Peanut Butter Blossom! Peanut butter cookie with a chocolate kiss on top, yummy!

  17. My Christmas favorite is not a cookie so much as a bar.... Magic Cookie Bars, yum!~!I'm trying not to do any baking this year because I have zero will power but now all I can think of is that chewy goodness. Love the string bag....fingers crossed :)

  18. My all time favorite Christmas cookie is a date nut pinwheel...passed down from my mother. My mother in law loved them too but could not ever master them so I would make her a log to freeze so she could just slice and bake them whenever.

  19. Just an old fashioned sugar cookie with icing and sprinkles with a cup of hot chocolate.

  20. What a cute idea to keep string at hand in the kitchen! I make my great Aunt's old fashioned sugar cookie recipe with jelly inbetween and they have a small Christmas cutout in the top cookie. They take 11+ cups of flour to make one batch and take a good part of the day to make.....we do not give this family recipe to just anyone!! lol My mother has the original recipe in my great Aunt's handwriting in a frame in her kitchen...a wonderful Christmas tradition. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  21. Almond butter cookies. I love the combination of houndstooth and bright flowers! Great idea for handy string.

  22. What a cute idea and your stitching is awesome as usual. My favorite Christmas cookie is the spritz my mom used to make. They were very pretty and tasted so good. We loved to decorate them with sprinkles and of course eating them was my favorite part!

  23. Merry Christmas to you. What a lovely string bag. My favorite Christmas cookie are Butter Balls. I make these every year (my mother's recipe) and share them with family and friends.

  24. What a lovely surprise. Thank you so much for sharing. My all time favourite christmas cookie is whipped shortbread.

  25. I love thumb prints rolled in mounds of nuts and raspberry good! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

  26. Favorite Christmas cookies? Ice box cookies my mom made. Nothing fancy, just Mom's love.
    I'd love to have the wool bag -- it's delightful.

  27. Love this string bag. Thanks for the giveaway. My fav is a Cranberry Noel, a shortbread cookie. Sondra

  28. I love the bag. It would make a perfect present for my sister. I think she would adore it. My favorite Christmas cookie from growing up would be what my mother called, "Russian Tea cookies". They are walnut cookies rolled in powdered sugar.

    Thanks for the giveaway,

  29. My favorite Christmas cookies are the spritz ones my mom always made - some were dipped in chocolate and then in colored sprinkles. She baked dozens of different types, froze them, and then at Christmas everyone got to enjoy them and take home a tray. Thanks for the opportunity to share a happy Christmas memory.

  30. Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize. My favorite Christmas cookie is a sugar cookie that my best friends mom made many years ago. They are not too sweet with a touch of nutmeg. Not a ton of frosting or sugar on top. I just love them. My daughter makes them for me now. Such a treat. Merry Christmas!

  31. Hi Rose...LOVE you and your work...You always make the stitching/project sound so simple, but then you have been doing it for awhile...would treasure having a "Rose Clay original"...I just love my Mom's snickerdoodles...the cinnamon offsets the sweet sugar, and they're pretty...always like seeing you around lititz...

  32. This is a wonderful gift giveaway. Thank you for doing this. My favorite Christmas cookie is a large sugar cookie with thick vanilla icing that has been colored and sprinkles added while it is still moist. Such a treat!!

  33. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win this wonderful string bag. My favorite cookie is a cream cheese base cookie filled with apricot. A cup of tea with the cookies is a must! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  34. Hi Rose - what a very special gift .....thank you for the chance to win one of your creations. My favorite cookie is Butter Brickle Bars with a pecan base and a top that includes cream cheese....yummy. Have a very Merry Christmas filled with happy memories

  35. This is such a sweet bag and a terrific idea for holding the string! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this! My all time favorite Christmas cookie is the peanut butter hershey kiss cookie!

  36. Love the bag! My favorite is peanut butter balls. Thanks for the giveway!

  37. Cutout sugar cookies with decorative frosting. It is fun seeing everyone's responses, and thank you for the giveaway. I enjoy your blog!

  38. My favorite Christmas cookies are Pizzelles! Any flavor! I love love love this string bag idea and appreciate the opportunity to win it :^} will there possibly be a pattern forth coming?

  39. lovely bag! jam thumbprints are my favorite cookie, Merry Christmas to you!

  40. My favorite Christmas cookie is the Hershey Kiss peanut butter cookie! And there is a "right" way to eat it: nibble all of the cookie away around the kiss and then eat that as your last bite! LOL Thanks for the chance to win...the bag is beautiful. Thanks also for your blog....I find it very creatively motivating!!!

  41. Your string bag is such a good idea! My favorite cookie is Scotch Shortbread;
    it just melts in your mouth.

  42. Melting moments. Addictive little morsels.

  43. So cute bag. I love russian wedding cakes. Melt in you mouth and look like little snow balls.

  44. The colors you used on the bag are wonderful. My favorite coolie is a homemade made, homemade! Sugar cookie. From mixing to rolling out to eating!! Always hoped Moms would bring to Christmas parties at school!

  45. By far, Date Skillet Cookies! It's now Christmas without them.

  46. My favorite cookie is a pizzelle cookie, my husbands grandmother made them every Christmas for him when he was a boy. He now carries on the tradition every year.

  47. My favorite cookie is called babes wrapped in swaddling clothes from an old Frugal Gourmet Christmas cookbook. Happy holidays!

  48. What a fun purse! I love your wool choices; it looks great. My favorite Christmas cookie is the traditional spritz cookies. I think it's tied to memories of when I was a young girl baking with my mother. I haven't been able to have spritz for years, as I can't have gluten, but I'm sure one of the wonderful GF bakers "out there" would have a good recipe for them.

  49. Hello Rose. No doubt about it ....sugar cookies in the shape of santa with extra thick icing put on by grandkids. They are the best. I look forward to new patterns from your shop and am busy working on the ones I've already bought but this one is really cute and what crafter can't use it? Happy holidays to you and the rest of your readers.

  50. I love reading your blog. It's soothing and always provides me with inspiration. My favorite Christmas cookie is my family's Italian Lemon Drops. LOVE these, as does my daughter!.
    This bag is really cute, by the way.

  51. Roseanne above is right; it's very cute. I still have to make my mother's Russian teacakes. Merry Christmas!

  52. Hello Rose, I love reading your blog...and am (always) inspired by your beautiful work, details & how FAST you crank projects out ~ this is a clever & sweet little string bag too! I'd have to say growing up with one of the best Sicilian cooks & bakers (my mom), my all time favorite cookies were her Snowballs made with fresh squeezed orange juice & fresh orange zest and walnuts of course! But for our Christmas Eve tradition... it was my grandmother's Sicilian Cuccidati cookies, also known as Sicilian Fig Cookies... a butter cookie with a filling mixture of dried figs, dried dates, raisins, candied citron, walnuts and spices -- rolled up like rolling your tongue, baked lightly brown & dusted with powdered sugar...Ooooh YUM, I need to get these made! Merry Christmas to you & yours Rose...and wishes for a *Joy-Filled & Peaceful* New Year! ~Diane

  53. Thanks for the giveaway! My favirute. My grandmothers butter spritz cookies..,..made into a tree shape...they just melted in your mouth

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  56. Thanks for giveaway. Italian wedding has been our family tradition, my grandparents came from Italy. Donna Frederick

  57. Love your work and I love working with wool. This is a clever and lovely way to have string available in your kitchen..or sewing room, or garage...or wherever. Thanks for the idea, and I hope I win!

  58. What a great giveaway. Thank you for offering it My favorite cookie is the thumbprint with icing in the center Archway makes a great cherrie nougats too

    linda m

  59. Favorite cookie? Mom's famous painted frosted sugar cookie. Each year we would each receive three beautifully painted (using food coloring) cookies, uniquely ours. I wish now I had saved them, but they were so good. Merry Christmas. <3
