
Creamy, Calming Neutrals...

Creamy Calming Neutrals in Valdani Perle Cotton Thread

Beautiful neutral shades
of Valdani Perle Cotton thread.
Sometimes, I need those calming shades.

Last week, we had an unwelcome, nasty
visitor at our home - 
The Flu...
need I say more.

This week, I am moving slow,
but still moving !

Creamy Calming Neutrals in Valdani Perle Cotton Thread

These shades will make a 
delightful sheep...

Primitive Penny Sheep punched by Rose Clay at

This is the back of my
'Primitive Penny Sheep'

Valdani M49, Subtle Elegance, 
was used here. It's one of my favorite shades 
because of it's creamy variegation.

It's going to be a sparkling warmer day today.
I can hear the birds singing early, each morning.
March surely is (nearly) here !

Enjoy the day before you...


  1. Nothing more calming then neutrals and more peaceful then watching sheep in the field and the spring baby's.

  2. I love the neutrals you have chosen. Oh no!!! Not the flu. I am glad you are on the mend.
    That looks like a lovely sheep!

  3. Anonymous2/28/2018

    I love those creamy colors! They are indeed soothing. So sorry to hear you got caught by this year's flu bug... it was really nasty this year. I've escaped so far but DH got it and we all know how bad men are at being sick in the best of times, ha, ha, ha! Hope you are on the mend and enjoy the approach (finally) of March!
    Hugs for now from warm-ish New Hampshire...

  4. Love it ! love those dreamy colors. Can't wait to see sheepy's face.

  5. Dear Rose, so sorry about the flu, it is a bad one this year. Thankfully, you are on the mend. Love these colors and the way you use them. Stay well, Spring is coming to Pa!

  6. Take care until you're fully recovered.

  7. So sorry that nasty bug found its way to your home. Hope you are totally well soon.
    LOVE those neutrals!
    Hugs :)

  8. If you don't mind, would you identify the beautiful colors pictured above? Thank you!

  9. I'm not getting your blog notices anymore. Do you know why? Thanks.
