
March 07, 2018

Wool Strips And Cording...

Bee Line Townsend Wool Cutter

I've been cutting wool into long strips
for rug hooking...
~ Purple shades for pansies ~

Wool Strips And Cording

But, I'm also wanting to experiment...

Cord Maker

I recently came across a great little gizmo
that makes cords...
(Kreinik isn't the only company that makes these.
If you go to Amazon and search 'cord maker',
it will give you several options available.)

Cord made from wool fabric strips

Lovely cord made from three long wool strips

Different threads, yarns and fibers used to make cords

I love the idea of using all kinds of threads, 
yarns and fibers, to make cords for finishing projects.
Depending on what fiber you use,
these cords can be used to hang projects
or trim the edges of a project, as well as...
hmmm, my mind is churning. 

~  ~  ~

We escaped the Nor'easter today !
Just a little snow this time.
Snow day = Sew day

Daylight Saving Time
is this Sunday !
Spring is so close.
Springing ahead one hour !