
February 26, 2014

Blue Paisley ...

I love paisley...
my imagination runs free with 
all of those wisps, curls and 'seussical' shapes.
(Dr. Seuss-like shapes ;)

I experimented with depth setting on this piece.
The paisley design is punched 
with an "Ultra Punch" punchneedle 
set on depth setting #2.
The background is punched on depth setting #1.

Moving the depth setting to #1 for the background,
gives the Paisley Design a very subtle 
"stand out" quality.

Punched while watching the Olympic Games...

'Seaside Fancy' Punch Needle Embroidery

I love the fresh "watery" colors.
'Seaside Fancy' is approximately
8.5 inches x 6.75 inches

'Seaside Fancy' 
is now available in the Studio 
and for retailers through my Distributors.

A glimpse of my next project...

"To achieve great things,
two things are needed:
a plan and not quite enough time."
Leonard Bernstein

Enjoy your day !