
No Stitching - No Punching...

I have been doing everything
stitching and punching...

Sometimes, it is good to sit back and just go 
with the flow of the day(s).

No preconceived notion of what 
I NEED to do in a day...
just enjoying what presents itself.
(I need a lot more of these kinds of days !)

(So you ask, what ? have I been doing)

Bird Watching...

The Snow Geese have arrived at 
Middlecreek Wildlife conservancy....
thousands and thousands of them !

They are brilliant white....

until they fly and then hidden beneath their wings,
you see the most beautiful site.
Their wings are generously tipped in black.

Perusing the Greenhouse...

THE most beautiful site after a L.O.N.G.
snowy, icy, bitter cold winter !

Filled with color and texture.
I so needed to see something green and colorful ;)

Enjoying the Arts...

an amazing Science and Art Festival
at my son's school.

This picture is a self portrait done by Ellen Albers.
This was my all time favorite piece of art.
The detail on this self portrait is so fine and amazing.
Ellen is a very talented young lady.
(My #3 daughter is standing beside Ellen's picture,
to show it's size.)

The picture was drawn on book pages 
that were pieced together.  Truly exceptional.

Colorful pictures from the students.

Beautiful weavings from another group of students.

Loving this work, done by Madelyn Gerard.

Yummy pieces of cake, done in ceramics by the students.

This hand was in perfect proportion and so realistic.
(I can not remember the name of the student
who did this clay project)

Lovely colors and textures.
Lititz Christian School has an amazing group 
of talented young students and (obviously) an
exceptionally good Art Teacher to 'coax out' 
and showcase that amazing talent.
(Thank you Mrs. Hilton)

It has been a relaxing week of 
Bird Watching
Greenhouse hopping
and Enjoying the Arts.

Spring has arrived and with it 
a breath of fresh air !

Ready for a change of season 
and some new creativity...


  1. Beautiful pictures...beautiful flowers...and an exceptionally beautiful daughter! Thanks for taking us along!
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Beautiful spring pics......thanks! I really needed that! (We just got 14" more inches of snow yesterday! Ugh!) And that's a lovely neck wrap your beautiful daughter is wearing.....did you make it?

  3. I have a beautiful glazed tile that says, "Just Be"'s good for the mind and body to take time off from the usual.

  4. Really enjoyed this post Rose! The flowers, the arts, your gorgeous daughter! All a breath of sunshine on a cold and snowy WI day! Thank you!!
    Cathy G

  5. Sometimes you just need real world and colors and family and life. I love the art show. What an incredible group of kids. So talented. I think your daughter is beautiful standing next to that awesome self portrait.
    Of course, flowers and birds are always needful.
    I love your little snap shot of life today. It made me smile.

  6. I love youthful art!! It always inspires and rejuvenates me!!! Thank you for sharing this post with us Rose....

  7. Oh boy! Bring on the FLOWERS!!! Love those hydrangeas and I'll take the top 3 shelves of pansies, please! lol! So much talent with those kids! That self-portrait is amazing!

  8. Good for you Rose! I love the way you relax and enrich your mind! Thanks for sharing the photos from the Science and Art Festival. Amazing!

    Love the birds and greenhouse too :)

  9. Sounds like a wonderful time to spend time! Beautiful pics of the geese,that would be amazing to watch.The kids are so talented! I enjoyed all the pics you shared.Have a great weekend! Blessings,Jen

  10. The art is truly amazing & your #3 is bee-U-tiful!! What a sweet smile!! I had a small line of snow geese go over & I didn't know what they were. It was really cool to see the sun glint off of them as their directions changed. Wonderful weather in StL today & I managed to get a massage that was desperately needed!! Now for a little stitching before starting dinner.
    Hope always.....Kathy

  11. So much talent. That portrait is wonderful (and your DD is a real beauty!)
    What a great way to spend your time.
    Hugs :)
