
Scraps, Snippets, Bits And Pieces...

The word 'Scraps' conjures up two things at my house...

as in, "What's for dinner ?"  - "Scraps"
(Very Lancaster county-ish)

But, 'Scraps' also means 
glorious Snippets, Bits and Pieces 
of wool fabric.

A treasure chest of possibilities  ;)

 How small is too small to save ?
Is there such a thing as "too small" ??

If you ask me, it's never too small.
I have bins of wool fabric scraps,
just waiting to be repurposed 
into a treasure. 

Whenever I need just the right smidge of color,
I know just where to look to find it.

Wool Applique is all about the random scrap
of wool fabric and a bit of thread.  

The rustic, pastel or the bright pop of color 
that will often 'make or break' 
the look of the design.

I am making something fun with these
sweet little Springtime blooms.
Check back to see what they become !

Wishing you a scrappy kind of day ;)


  1. I've never heard the term "scraps" used for left-overs! I learn something new each time I visit Rose! Scraps of wool I've heard of though.... and I'm with you on never throwing them away! I think I have the makings for a zillion penny rugs around here! LOL!!
    Cathy G

  2. It's a Delaware thing too.....scraps, scrap basket. You do such a wonderful job of stitching the wool down it looks beautiful (to me) even without beads. Your work is so dang inviting and tantalizing me to do it again. Plus I've the most wonderful fluffy white wool that I could tone down or use as is. sigh.... guess I just need to make time and set priorities.


  3. That's a lot of scrappy goodness! :o)

  4. Rose it's too funny you posted this !! I was just creating a new design to teach at a LQS and I pawed through my Scraps (which everyone says I'm crazy to keep) and found several pieces of berries, leaves and other goodness to use in it. I save everything - big and small. Can't wait to see what you're up to - beautiful so far! Karen

  5. Scraps and smidges...never discard ANYTHING is my motto. You just never know when you will need a speck of something for a project. Lovely photos as well :)

  6. Anonymous3/12/2014

    How pretty! Oh, you are talented!

  7. Very pretty and so happy. I love wool so much I hate ever getting rid of even the tiny bits. I know I could use them for something.
    I am glad you are busy making things.

  8. Love your Spring colors!!!! I save every little piece myself!

  9. Wonderful treasure of scraps, lucky you to have so many! Love your work and can't wait to see what you create!

  10. Definitely never too small to throw out! Never mind making something beautiful with those scraps, I think I could happily look at them all day long, they're so beautiful. Do you dye most of your wool?

  11. I agreee, there is nothing too small. Your work is really beautiful!

  12. Your blog gets me excited to punch. I can't wait to see what you have created.
