
Daydreaming And Paisley Wool Applique...

~ Daydreaming ~
Outside and inside...

Paisley Wool Applique...
I have arranged and rearranged
the 30 Paisley blocks,
trying to find just the right combination.

Sitting and Daydreaming...
tweaking a block here,
exchanging a block there,
until I am ready to assemble.

We have been having beautiful days,
with just the right temps to bring out 
the Spring flowers...

Bleeding Hearts
(also known as Dutchman's Breeches)

Wild Tulips
This same cluster of tulips has been blooming
at our home for over 27 years.
When the sun sets,
the tulips close up tight and don't reopen
until the sun shines brightly.


The Forget-me-nots are just beginning to bloom.

Enjoy the colors of Spring...


  1. Love your flower photos, especially the bleeding heart and forget me not ones. I think you mean Dutchman breeches. No A in it. Your paisley piece looks interesting.

  2. Rose, thanks for flower pictures. Warms my heart. We just moved to a new home (new to us) with very few flowers. I am missing my husband's lovely flower beds right about now! The appliqués are beautiful, what a piece of art that will be.

  3. Those wild tulips are amazing!! Didn't know there was such a thing.....but then I do have a black thumb!! Paisleys are way cool!!!

  4. I love all of your flowers. My forget-me-nots are still blooming but the others have been replaced by summer flowers. I love your tweaking and rearranging. It looks beautiful.

  5. Love your beautiful paisleys...what a gorgeous piece this will be! Your yard must be spectacular with all those beauties in bloom!

  6. That paisley piece looks sooo beautiful, Rose...and so do your lovely garden flowers! xo

  7. Lovely flowers : )
