
Shaker Boxes...

Shaker Boxes.
Simple in design and very functional.

I had these boxes made at
The Shaker Shoppe in Lititz, PA

I was able to choose the colors and sizes.
The folks at The Shaker Shoppe were
very easy to work with.
(Their showroom is AMAZING !)

I love the attention to detail.
Simplicity at it's best.

My heart longs for simplicity in both
my home and life.
Quietness and a "back to basics" approach.
Simple, uncluttered lines.
Maybe even sparseness in my surroundings!

I have been working on de-cluttering my house.
Ruthless "tossing and giving away"...
it feels good !

This small rocking chair with woven seat was also 
handmade at The Shaker Shoppe,
a replica of the full size chair that they handcraft.
A treasured family gift.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched."
                                                                                      Helen Keller

Hoping you find some time 
to enjoy the simple things today...


  1. Wow! Those shaker boxes are amazing! I'll have to visit Lititz one day as it seems like a nice town. I've been tossing, donating and selling a lot too.... it really does help a spirit to be lighter! And without all the clutter in the way, it's easier to concentrate and enjoy what's important! :-)

  2. Wonderful Shaker boxes...would like to add more to my collection...lots of decluttering here too...keeping only the treasures...friends have always raved about Lititz...

  3. Doesn't it feel good to downsize? Your boxes are spectacular!!!

  4. The Shaker boxes are so simple and pretty. I also love them. Those colors are really nice also :)

  5. What lovely boxes, I bet you have great plans for them. I do love Shaker. I also like that little chair.
    Good for you, I need to do some more of that. It does always feel so good to declutter.

  6. I have a few Shaker boxes as well, they are so simple but also very complicated. I once read a print piece of an interview of Yves St. Laurent. He remarked that the oval shape is the most perfect geometric shape in the world. He designed an entire line of containers for his cosmetics line based on the oval. (this was in the 1980's) There is a symmetry in all Shaker work that helps us sort out the unnecessary items that clutter our lives. Sorry to go on, I am such a fan of their work.

  7. Oh how I love what Helen Keller said, and I am loving those Shaker boxes! I too have been enjoying less clutter and only those things in my life that promote inspiration and peace. I can see we see things eye to eye in many ways! Your style is so lovely and I love your blog name! Thank you kindly for coming to visit with me, leaving such a warm comment. May peace and love surround you today and always! Anita
