
Lake Tobias...

How plucky is this chicken ??
Vintage fabric and weighted heavy with sand.
She stands 9 inches tall x 9 inches wide.
My #3 daughter found her while shopping
thrift stores.  This chicken has found her home with us,
and now humbly holds a door open (door stop).

Over the weekend, we visited Lake Tobias.
Located in a beautiful area of Pennsylvania.
This is our second visit and it was gorgeous.

You take a ride on a school bus that
has been "sawed" in half.
They provide special 'biscuits' to give to the wildlife.

The Safari tour covers 150 beautiful 'wide open' acres.

They also have a 'state of the art' Reptile House.

At the very end of our tour, 
we caught a rainbow against the mountains.

Usually we spend a summer day at Lake Tobias,
but Autumn is just beginning to show itself and 
the landscape was beautiful.

~ ~ ~
October gave a party;
the leaves by hundreds came - 
The Ashes, Oaks and Maples
and leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
and everything was grand;
Miss Weather led the dancing;
Professor Wind, the band...
The sight was like a rainbow
new-fallen from the sky...
George Cooper - "October's Party"


  1. Lovely poem Rose. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have always loved that poem. What an incredible place to visit. I would love to go see a place like that. In San Diego they have the wild animal park and I like it so much better than the zoo.
    What great snakes too.
    Your new chicken who keeps your doors open is wonderful. She looks like a nice addition to your home.

  3. Wonderful pics of what looks to be a great place to visit...except for the big snake! Annie would love it...Mom, not so much!

  4. Great pictures.
    Fun chicken.
    Hugs :)

  5. beautiful pics, thanks for sharing

  6. I always felt there was some sort of mix up on the Ark when somehow the snakes came aboard! All the furry and feathered creatures are wonderful. They look like they are living a great life there. I am not familiar with this area, will need to check it out. Great photo's!
