
October 28, 2014

The PERFECT Autumn Day...

Punch Needle Embroidery using Valdani Perle Cotton #8

It has been a spectacular warm Autumn day.
Maybe, one of the prettiest I have seen in years.

Vibrant falling leaves are in my hoop right now.

I used Valdani variegated perle cotton #8.
This thread literally does the shading work for you.
I punched these leaves on a #2 setting.

One of my 'Wool Hutches'...

These egg cartons hold 18 balls each 
of Valdani Perle Cotton Thread.
Perfect for storage and I love grabbing 
just the color family I need,
when I am looking for a red or a green, etc.

We did a little pumpkin carving last night...

This is GOLD !
It goes from this...

To this - 
These are addictive and so easy to make.
~ ~ ~

Enjoy the sights and smells of Autumn ;)