
April 10, 2015

Tearing Gorgeous Wool...

Tiny Daffodils in an Antique wood Sugar Mold

Happy Friday to you !  It is a rainy, stormy
day here in Pennsylvania.  Perfect for staying
inside and creating...

This gorgeous, no GORGEOUS, wool arrived 
this week !  See that black wool ??  It is called
"Black Tie" - one side is black with small white design
and the flip side is white with small black design !
'Double the use' and perfect for rug hooking ;)
Available at The Wool Studio.

The Wool Studio sends out a wool swatch mailer
about every 3 months.  If you would like to receive it,
send them $5.00 and you will receive a 'wool mailer'
about 4x's a year.  You will then continue to stay on 
their wool mailer list as long as you place an order
from every other mailer.
(more info is on The Wool Studio website)

Preparing for my next project...  I just love seeing 
all the colorful wool laid out on the cutting table...
or should I say 'tearing' table...  I always make a snip
at the proper measurement and then simply tear
the wool, (vertical with the selvage). 
 It keeps the grain nice and straight.  ;)

Have a lovely creative weekend...