
May 06, 2015

Hand Embroidered Blossoms And Blooms...

Cast On Stitch Roses from
Hand Embroidered Blossoms using Valdani Perle Cotton

I have been stitching up some blossoms.
These are 'Cast On Stitch' roses with Fly Stitch leaves.
I have heard the Cast On Stitch also referred to
as Needle Lace, when used in this way.

Cast On Stitch Roses from

I am hand embroidering some gorgeous
soft yellow wool.  I plan to make an
Eight Pointed Civil War Pincushion from this wool.
(Certainly, you would think after making 20+ pincushions, 
I would stop... not so, 
I just can't seem to get them out of my system !)

I have been looking for signs of Spring,
now that the weather has become warmer.

Amazing tulips, 
each one heavy with many petals !

I love when the moss takes over items in 
my garden.  So pretty.

Frilly tulips...

Wild tulips...

A smattering of purple tulips...

Old Fashioned Lilac...
smells heavenly.

~  ~  ~  ~
The best 
are those who show you where to 
but don't tell you what to 
~  ~  ~  ~

Spring is at finally here.
