
A Sunny May Walk...

Golden Hosta

Golden Hosta

Good Afternoon Friends !
Won't you join me for a walk in the garden...

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart
(sometimes called Dutchman's Breeches)

Johnney Jump-up

Johnny Jump-ups

Grape Hyacinths

Grape Hyacinths

Oriental Peony

Oriental Peony

Old Birdhouse

One of many birdhouses needing repair !

Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger, in full bloom
(all the blooms are under the foilage !)


Dainty Primrose

Galvanized Bucket Hose Hanger

Old galvanized bucket turned
'hose hanger'.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

I'm in the garden !

I'm happy for warmer temps,
windows open, dirt under my fingernails...
 ~   MAY  ~

~  ~  ~  ~

Cross stitch sampler - 'His eye is on the Sparrow'

Slowly making progress on 
'His eye is on the Sparrow' 
Sampler by Beth Twist,
at Heartstring Samplery.

Cross stitch sampler - 'His eye is on the Sparrow'

Wishing you a glorious May day !


  1. Oh thank you for sharing colors and blooms. We've had 3 days of rain and ripping high winds. I was sure we were going to have damage

  2. Lovely spring flowers! How I miss the Lily of the Valley that grew outside our backdoor in Virginia. Wish I could enjoy their lovely scent! Your "Sparrow" is amazing!

  3. Thanks for sharing Rose. Don't you just love Spring? My Mother was a great gardener, her favorite were her yellow Roses. Roses soon upon us. Love them all. Gifts from God. Your sampler is coming along nicely too. I don't have much patience for it right now, quilting away. Have a lovely Spring!

  4. What lovely blooms you have Rose. I am glad you are making progress. I hope to get back at it. I did sit down to work on it and outside just calls. Have a lovely day.

  5. What lovely pictures of the flowers! Thank you! We have had so much rain and gloomy days here it is a treat to see all those blossums! His Eye is on the Sparrow is so beautiful (and I love the name). Wendy at

  6. Such a beautiful garden Rose! I'm feeling very deprived in the flower department - with this new house, we have nothing but DIRT so far! I guess it's a good time to practice patience, right? LOL

  7. Beautiful blooms! I LOVE that galvanized tub turned hose hanger. Clever!
    Hugs :)
