
A Stitching Needful...

A Stitchers Tray from Lori at Notforgotten Farm

My Stitchers Tray...
To say this is my second set of hands is
an understatement !

A Stitchers Tray from Lori at Notforgotten Farm

This is my 'nest'...
'stitching nest' to be exact.
I am convinced my (stitching) mind works best
in this exact chair !  Nothing fancy,
mind you... but it is where I have everything
at my fingertips.  Surrounded by
threads, fibers, wool, needles...
all the things that make me happy ! 

A Stitchers Tray from Lori at Notforgotten Farm

I don't know what I did without this 
Stitchers Tray from Lori (and Peter),
at Notforgotten Farm !

** (Well, yes I do know -
I was always balancing scissors, threads,
pattern papers, etc. on the arm of my chair...
only to have them continually fall off !) **

A Stitchers Tray from Lori at Notforgotten Farm

My  6 year old granddaughter and I 
have a little saying between us...  
If something is 
we call it the Bomb Diggety !

This Stitchers Tray is the 
(and even better, comes in several choices
of colors - mine is a soft Sage Green.)

A HUGE thank you to Peter and Lori 
for creating a useful and clever 
product for the stitching community.
Lori also keeps an interesting and unique

May you have an enjoyable 
start to your week...


  1. Ditto...I love my sewing tray! I see a peek of "Sparrow" and you are making great progress! Don't you love having a nest to go to where you can just stitch...and leave the world behind?
    Have a great week!

  2. I couldn't believe what a great idea this was when I saw it on her blog, Peter better get his saw fired up, as I'm sure he'll be making a lot more of these. Did you see Lori using Glad Press n Seal the last week for her large punch needle, now that just blew me away. It's like quilters using freezer paper to iron on fabric for applique.
    Needle workers of every kind are such creative people.

  3. My camelback sofa has really high arms and I can't use this. But I have been using a bed tray on legs over my lap - pretty big and I can transport to any seat, even my swing. There is a new sofa and chair on the horizon so maybe I will be able to order one soon.

  4. That is pretty cool, but my cat would make short work of it. I must depend on a small table next to my stitching seats.

  5. Thank you so much! Peter and I are so happy you're happy with it my friend....thank you again for the kind words 🤓

  6. It is on my wish list. I love that color too. I am forever loosing everything so I know I could use that. Its so pretty.
    I love your stitching chair. Its always important to have that sewing chair.
