
A Simple Idea Book And A Tiny Nest...

An 'Idea Book' for stitching ideas.

This simple 'idea book'
goes with me everywhere.  Whenever
an idea pops into my head, (which can be 
at the oddest times)... into the book it goes.
My idea books contain more ideas 
than what I will ever get to, in my lifetime.

Punch Needle design by Rose Clay at

From it's pages...

Valdani Perle Cotton colors

Punch Needle design by Rose Clay at

Working on a new Punch Needle design.

Hummingbird Nest

We have a lot of hummingbirds 
around our house, but in all the years we
have lived here, I have never seen a nest.

Hummingbird Nest

that all changed this week !
Look what my son and I found...
How incredible is this ?
I feel like we found a treasure ;)

This nest only measures about 2in. across.
Situated in the crook of a small lower limb...
it looks like it is made from lichen.
So delicate and beautiful !

~  ~  ~
Coming this week - a 'needful'
that every stitcher should have !
~  ~  ~

Have a beautiful and peaceful weekend...


  1. I understand they even use spider webs in their nests. Smart birds!

  2. treasure indeed. What a beautiful find.
    Your new design looks stunning.

  3. It is beautiful! Isn't it amazing how little beaks can create such a perfect shape.

  4. The hummingbird nest is simply amazing!
