
A Week At The Farm Show...

Fruit Baked Oatmeal

Starting this cool, overcast day with 
Fruit Baked Oatmeal... yum !

Mix together in a bowl...
(scant)1/2 cup oil
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3 cups old fashioned oatmeal
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup milk 
1 tsp. vanilla

When all is combined,
add fruit of your choice.
I like to add frozen mixed berries.

Pour into a 8in. x 9in. pan.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
~ ~ ~

Dahlia Flowers

Ever since receiving this HUGE Dahlia
for the Artisans' Porchwalk,
I have been loving these flowers...
so while at the Manheim Community Farm Show,
I went looking for the flower display...

Dahlia Flowers

Dahlia Flowers

Dahlia Flowers

Dahlia Flowers

Dahlia Flowers

I seriously may need to grow some of these beauties 
in my gardens, next season !

Flowers from the Manheim Farm Show

While checking out the Dahlias,
I spied some tiny rubber boots...
so, so cute !

Flowers from the Manheim Farm Show

Just couldn't resist !

Flowers from the Manheim Farm Show


Flowers from the Manheim Farm Show

more cuteness !
Some people really have an imagination ;)

 Manheim Farm Show

I also spied this beauty...
REALLY want several of these !
The Penn State Extension said these 
particular plants were experimental
and they would be disposed of, after the show...
can't I please take them home ??
(I was actually tempted to be a 
"dumpster diver" !)

Vince's artwork for the Manheim Farm Show 2017

My 14 y.o. son entered a few items
in the Farm Show this year.
This is his 'Cut Paper Collage'.

Vince's artwork for the Manheim Farm Show 2017

His entry in the '3D sculpture'.

Vince's artwork for the Manheim Farm Show 2017

He loves to cartoon...

Vince's artwork for the Manheim Farm Show 2017

Vince's artwork for the Manheim Farm Show 2017

He entered 'Life Changes'
in the 'Color Drawing' category.
(No ribbon for this, but it's MY
personal favorite, because it shows
his personality !)

It was a great Farm Show Week.
Good food (every day), cool evenings,
lots of talent everywhere and ribbons !
(My son won two first place ribbons 
for his artwork !! **Proud Mama**)

Maybe, I'll hire him on,
 to draw Punch Needle Designs !!

Enjoy your Sunday my friends...


  1. Congratulations to your son! As soon as I scrolled to those faces, I thought they were note cards! One for each emotion and personality! Very cool.

  2. Your son inherited you creative jeans !!!! Love to see kids draw, paint & just have fun with art !!! Those dahlias are gorgeous !!!

  3. Oh my, so many creative projects. I love the 3D fish. Congrats to him.
    Wish I could grow those gorgeous dahalias.

  4. Imprime esos dibujos en tela y le haces una bonita colcha para sus recuerdos....Sus dibujos son fantásticos 😍
