Goes With Everything - Wool Table Runner...

Wool Applique Table Runner by Rose Clay at ThreeSheepStudio.com

I'm in the throws of making a table runner...
a wooly good "goes with lots of things" runner...

Light Colored Neutral Wool Fabric - ThreeSheepStudio.com

sorting through my stash of light colored neutral wool...

Wool Applique Table Runner by Rose Clay at ThreeSheepStudio.com

cutting and more cutting 
of small 'petals' to assemble...

Wool Applique Table Runner by Rose Clay at ThreeSheepStudio.com

In my eye...
dark coppery cinnamon and drab green
are both 'dark neutrals' !
(fingers crossed, this will somehow 
'pull together' when completed.)
A lot of times, I just throw myself into an idea
and see where it goes. 

Wool Applique Table Runner by Rose Clay at ThreeSheepStudio.com

The 'dark' and the 'light' play off of one another
and make the flowers or leaves (I haven't decided yet !)
 the focus on the runner...

Wool Applique Table Runner by Rose Clay at ThreeSheepStudio.com

I'm using Valdani variegated Perle Cotton 
in Aged White, medium, to applique the pieces in place.  
This shade is perfect for blending with all of 
the different shades of light colored wool.

~  ~  ~  ~
"Life is not a 
Life is about helping and 
inspiring others
so we can each 
reach our 
                                      Kim Chase
~  ~  ~  ~

Enjoy the start of your week...


  1. I love seeing your work, and seeing your table runner. Its going to be wonderful. I think that is why I like wool, I can see the colors in my head. Have a lovely week.

  2. Like what you decided on, so much stitching.
    Its so hot and humid and I'm working on Christmas bom. Im also feeding a blind kitten.
    Seems to be thriving.

  3. Love how your piece is progressing. That leaf collection of wools looks lovely.

  4. Your do such exemplary work with a needle and thread, Rose. Beautiful!

  5. Enjoy ur blog, rose,,,,,,love the start of ur runner,,, beautiful threads,,,, take care,,,,

  6. Love it! such a great piece.

  7. This is going to be a gorgeous runner when finished.
    Your work / stitches are always so perfect.
    Are you using Valdani Perle?
