As we continue to look at different
finishing techniques for Punch Needle work...
lets take a look at making a Pillow
from your Punch Needle Embroidery.
(No sewing machine needed !)
First let me say, there are so very many ways to
make a pillow. This is only one way, but certainly
not the only way.
After completing your punchneedle piece,
press with an iron.
Trim the Weavers Cloth to approximately
1.25 inches on all sides. Fold Weavers Cloth
to the back of piece and press with an iron.
Using a good fabric adhesive,
secure the Weavers Cloth to the back of your piece.
Allow to dry.
Spread fabric adhesive over the entire
back of Punchneedle piece.
Center the punchneedle piece onto a piece of wool.
This wool will "frame" your piece on the pillow.

Press firmly onto the wool backing.
I do this on a piece of wax paper,
to keep table clean.
Allow to dry.
Trim the backing wool so that it is even on all sides.
You can round the corners at this time, if you like.
Cut two equal pieces of wool for the pillow.
When working with wool fabric,
I cut the wool 1/2 inch less than the size
of the actual pillow.
(For a 16in. x 16in. pillow,
you would cut 15.5in. x 15.5in.)
you would cut 15.5in. x 15.5in.)
I like rounded corners,
however you can keep your corners square,
if you prefer.

Center your Punchneedle onto one of
the large wool pieces. Pin in place.
Blanket Stitch into place.
Although the punchneedle piece has been
attached with fabric adhesive, I prefer
to use a wide running stitch around the edge
of the punchneedle piece for stability.
(tacking it in place)
I use a small round rubber gripper
to pull the needle through quickly.
I am careful to place the stitches
between the punches.
I am careful to place the stitches
between the punches.
This is how the back will look.
This is the front. You won't be able to see
the running stitch, if you are careful to place the
stitches between punches.
Pin the front of the pillow to the back,
wrong sides together.
I did a Beaded Blanket Stitch around
three sides of pillow.
Insert Pillow form.
Pin fourth side of pillow and continue
with Beaded Blanket Stitch to close.

Pillow complete
with no sewing machine needed !
A record high of 58 degrees today
in Pennsylvania !
Enjoy your weekend ...