Ocean City, New Jersey
One of my favorite places...
Relaxing at the water's edge.
I can keep an eye on the kids in the water,
stay cool and maybe even read a book.
The ocean water has been especially warm, relaxing
and beautiful this season.
(After such a cold and harsh winter,
the arrival of summer is so much sweeter.)
What a treasure for an 11y.o. boy to find!
(Wrinkly fingers are courtesy of
hours of Boogie Boarding)
Combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania
The following weekend spent along a vast river...
boating, canoeing and
just paddling away the day.
I love carefree days like these,
mostly because they come along so rarely.
A beautiful horse farm sits high on the hillside
and overlooks the river filled with sail boats.
(Sounds like a story book !)
(Sounds like a story book !)
Relaxing at the water's edge ;)
Enjoy your day...