While my mind is swirling with 'winter' designs,
I really try hard to 'live in'
and enjoy the moment I am in...
Swirling leaves, cold nights,
frosty mornings, sunny afternoons
frosty mornings, sunny afternoons
Thanksgiving is on our heals...
"Autumn's End" has been an experiment of sorts.
I love bringing out my button jar -
dumping the contents onto my dining room table...
smelling cloves and sorting buttons.
(I place cloves in my button jars,
to take away any 'musty' odors.)
I am loving the combination
of Punch Needle Embroidery,
Wool and Buttons !
I think I will use this as a 'trivet'
for my Thanksgiving table.
A golden carpet
This is my favorite view from my kitchen window.
The black silhouettes of trees at dusk.
So peaceful and quiet
as the day comes to an end.