Punch Needle Embroidery
'Summer House' was punched using Valdani Perle Cotton...
in shades of Olives, Turkey Red, Aged Wine,
Old Brick and Tarnished Gold.
After punching this piece, I centered it on a piece
of 'Red Velvet' wool fabric from
( The Wool Studio has AMAZING wool
to choose from and great customer service ! )
to choose from and great customer service ! )

I attached the wool and design to a 9in. x 11in. book
of blank sheets of paper.
Perfect for sketching out designs
as they come to mind,
or keeping notes on my gardens.
Maybe even pressing a few flowers,
between the pages !
(I'm waiting patiently for Spring !!)
~ ~ ~ ~
"It's not the load that
breaks you down.
It's the way you carry it."
-C.S. Lewis
~ ~ ~ ~
Enjoy this day...