December 10, 2015

Primitive Pinwheels...

"Primitive Pinwheels" Punch Needle Design by Rose Clay at

Primitive Pinwheels is a generous size
Punch Needle "mat" at 9in. x 6.5in.

This design uses deep, rich Valdani
variegated colors.
My favorite to work with !

"Primitive Pinwheels" Punch Needle Design by Rose Clay at

"Primitive Pinwheels" is now in my Studio...

Valdani Thread Bundles at

Thread Bundles are also available.

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What's for dinner tonight ?

Baked French Toast with Berries -

And because it's dinner, I'll add some baked
sausage to satisfy the boys.
Perfection on a plate ;)

Temps are warming up here in Pennsylvania - Yeah !
We will be hitting the mid 60's by the weekend.
Enjoy your day.