Vintage Mattress Ticking
We have been having a string of
wet, drippy, cold days...
perfect for staying inside and sewing.
I am, by nature, a hand sewer.
I love the repetition of pulling needle and thread
through cloth. It is soothing and calming and
maybe even makes one feel dignified ;)
like being connected to the past, when most
women spent a considerable amount
of time each week, darning, mending
and creating.
But, every once in a blue moon,
I will pull out my very old, faithful Kenmore
(over 40 years old). When I have it out,
I gather everything I can think of, that needs
a sewing machine for finishing or mending.
The machine is very heavy and I move it
around as little as possible.
I have been going through my limited
collection of Vintage Mattress Ticking.

Design punched using Valdani Perle Cotton
A few months past, I punched a piece called
"Tending Her Garden" and really wanted to
"finish" it using some old Mattress Ticking.

I placed the punch needle piece on a cut of
hand dyed wool fabric to bring out the blues in her skirt.
Then centered the piece onto a cut of
the Mattress Ticking and blanket stitched in place.

This is the back of the pillow...
I added a wool heart with my initials.
I just love when you can turn a project over
and have a little surprise stitching on the back.
The Mattress Ticking has some scuffs and scrapes
from years gone just makes it softer
and more cozy, perfect for a pillow.
I placed a few random X's over the holes,
just to keep the 'stuffing' inside.

"Tending Her Garden" punch needle pillow,
stuffed firmly and the mattress ticking
makes it extra soft !
One project down,
a few more to go, while the machine is out.
~ ~ ~ ~
A couple evenings past,
we had a wild storm pass through.
The storm only lasted about 20 minutes.
My daughter and son in law
captured this unbelievable rainbow
as they were on the road heading home.
So perfect, it gives me shivers !
~ ~ ~ ~
Why did she make things ?
well, she enjoyed it, of course;
but it also somehow helped her remember
who she was and where she came from.
~ found on Pinterest
~ ~ ~ ~
Have a Blessed day Friends...