Pillow Making...

When I finished punching my turtle design,
I wasn't sure how I wanted to 'finish' it.
Everything I'm not sure of, gets placed
on a pile. When it 'comes to me',
I'll know and will finish the project.
Sometimes, the pile grows for months !
I decided on a pillow, mostly because
I have a serious obsession with
this gorgeous wool !!
Wrong side of wool
After I finished punching the design,
I needed to attach it to my piece of wool fabric.
I ran a widely spaced running stitch around
the edge of the punched piece,
using the same perle cotton that was used
in the background of this piece...
Valdani Perle Cotton #P3,
(Aged White, medium)
I pinned the wool, wrong sides together.
Gently rounded the corners
and began blanket stitching the sides.

Another finish...whew,
half a dozen more to go...
Be well, my friends...
~ ~ ~ ~
*** For those that have asked for a close up
of the blanket stitched edge... ***