In the beginning...
I love starting a new project...
everything from sketching the design,
transferring it onto weavers cloth
and choosing the colors.
For one small moment,
I am "princess of color",
throwing around balls of Valdani Perle Cotton...
making the big, important color choices.
A job not to be taken lightly !
No detail overlooked !
In all seriousness, the 'color picking'
is just plain fun !
Once I have my colors chosen,
they go into an egg carton,
where they rest comfortably until needed.
where they rest comfortably until needed.

And then the magic begins...
Valdani has the most gorgeous shades of Perle Cotton.
Ripened Plum ~ Iris Petals ~ Mulberry Grape
Mauve Orchid ~ Forgotten Lavender

Valdani Rose Suave is a whisper of pink,
so soft and perfect for this design.
Wispy green tendrils are punched in
Valdani Morning Grass.

Wishing you some quiet time to be creative
in these last few days before Christmas !